Anyone else experienced depression with ulcerative coltic or crohns

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Oct 10, 2015
Has anyone else experienced depression ?? I have had a rough year in and out of hospital for my ulcerative coltic and now I just feel depressed and I don't feel my self anymore which I use to be happy and talkative. I don't feel like being around anyone anymore. I'm coming off predsione still I'm down to 10 now.
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Depression is a very common symptom. Just remember even though times are tough it will pass. Keep surrounding yourself with uplifting people to bring you out of it.
Depression is very common with our illness. I get very depressed while flaring at times but I never take anything because I know as soon as I am well it goes away. However it could also be the prednisone. It messes with your hormones and can cause psychosis as a side effect. I would talk to someone whether it is a therapist or friend. Sometimes it helps just telling someone how you feel.
Depression is very common with our illness. I get very depressed while flaring at times but I never take anything because I know as soon as I am well it goes away. However it could also be the prednisone. It messes with your hormones and can cause psychosis as a side effect. I would talk to someone whether it is a therapist or friend. Sometimes it helps just telling someone how you feel.
Yeah this disease can be very difficult at times and I always think why me, yeah it could be because I am tapering down at the moment. Thanks so much for the reply :)