Anyone else like me??? fistulas :(

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Jun 18, 2011
anyone else like me??? fistulas :(

I am very new to this kind of thing, however i feel quite isolated with my condition....I have a perianal abcess that has made me so super self concious about myself. I have had 2 surgeries one was to lay it open and another one where they have placed a seton drain in my backside :( I have had problems with my bowel movements for a while and i am being tested for chron's disease as apparently this is all related...My lovely colorecatal surgeon is talking about performing a mucosal endoanal flap advancement procedure, has anyone had this done??? I have also been told that the birth of my child in 09 has complicated procedures due to severe muscle tear of the sphincter! I really don't know who OR what else to turn to, I am 28 and i have an amazing partner who is extremely supportive and an amazing little 2 and a half year old whom i adore beyond the stars.....this is about the only forum that i have found related to these issues...would be amazing to hear that i am not a freak...An ER doctor first told me that 'u need to use alcohol wipes when u do a poo, that will make it better and clean so this 'thing' doesn't happen' since than i have felt like i am dirty and unclean, which i certainly am not and cannot be, especially with a seton drain in.....arggggh so much to say....
Hope someone can relate to me

hey bec,

i'm like you! i had a perianal abscess drained last august which has since developed into a fistula (but i don't have crohn's disease) so you're definitely not alone. as well as being associated with crohn's my dr said that sometimes an abscess will develop and no one really knows why. there's some sort of crypto-something infection theory but all the drs and nurses i've seen were really careful to reassure me that it doesn't have anything to do with uncleanliness so please try not to let what the ER dr told you upset you too much.

sorry, i don't know anything about the endoanal flap advancement procedure since i'm currently waiting to have a seton put in but you could try searching the forum if you haven't already? and hopefully someone who knows about it will reply soon!

i'm glad you found this forum, there's lots of people here who will have gone through similar experiences :)

Thanks so much for your reply Kate...I am not alone!!! It's not really a topic that one can openly chat about over a cup of coffee, so i found a little bit of relief that someone out there can relate to some of the overwelming horror and embarrassment involved with a perianal abcess...Thats unfortunate that you have to undergo surgery for a seton drain, though they are uncomfortable i haven't yet had another abcess form, my problem is that it's not draining as well as they thought it would have done and i have had it in since october..fingers crossed it works fantastically for you...thanks so very much for ur reply, it has comforted me to know that i can relate to somebody, not in the best of circumstances but nevertheless... so glad i found this site :)

Hi Bec and :welcome:

I'm glad you found your way here 'cause this is a fab place for support and info! Not only that but you will find you are far from alone here. :)

I don't have any experience with perianal abscesses but you will find many here that have. You should find quite a few threads on perianal fistula's and seton's if you put them into the search option located under the Crohn's forum logo.

Good luck hun and welcome aboard!

Take care, :hug:
Dusty. xxx
From what I have read on here - if you have Crohns', it doesn't seem like a good idea to have surgery for fistulas (such as the flap procedure).....I dealt with fistuals before/during my pregnancy - had a c-section to avoid complications with them - and when I went on Remicade (step BEFORE surgery!) that cleared the fistulas right up!

Good luck with everything - oh, and that ER doc sounds like a quack! Alcohol after BM's? GOOD WAY to mess things up down there - in addition to the STING!!!!! OUCH!
Thanks so much for all ur comments and suggestions, this site has already provided me with so much comfort...I have had the results of my colonoscopy and found that i don't have chron's disease, which i was suprised as i have a strong family history of they are going ahead with the flap procedure....
Pasobuff i agree the doctor was a a right quack, my hubby said that he wouldn't even want to use alcowipes on his behind and he doesn't have any probs there!!! They have told me that if i do have another child i will definatly have to have a c section too, as i have sustained enough muscle damage to my behind!!!
Thanks peeps... :)
Thanks so much for all ur comments and suggestions, this site has already provided me with so much comfort...I have had the results of my colonoscopy and found that i don't have chron's disease, which i was suprised as i have a strong family history of they are going ahead with the flap procedure....
Pasobuff i agree the doctor was a a right quack, my hubby said that he wouldn't even want to use alcowipes on his behind and he doesn't have any probs there!!! They have told me that if i do have another child i will definatly have to have a c section too, as i have sustained enough muscle damage to my behind!!!
Thanks peeps... :)

Alchowipes...are you freakin kidding me????? Calmoseptine for everyone!

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