Anyone experience this w/Prednisone?

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Sep 1, 2014
My 15-year-old DS Grayson has been on 60 mg of Prednisone for the last two weeks. We have an appointment to get a taper schedule in a few days but in the meantime, I have a few questions:
1) Anybody notice acne as a side effect? DS was so lucky to have not a single zit ever and a few days after starting Prednisone, his face, chest and back are covered with acne! I called his GI and asked if the acne might go away after he tapers off but he didn't really answer me one way or the other, he just gave me the number for a dermotologist.
2) DS has MANY cavities to have filled and when we went in a few days ago and told his dentist he is on Prednisone he said he thinks he should be pre-medicated with Amoxicillin (4 tablets an hour before) because the immune system is down. He also noticed that Grayson was a bit nervous about getting the filling and mentioned (privately to me) that if he gets too nervous he could go into adrenal crisis because of the Prednisone and to mention that to the GI as well. I spoke with the GI's nurse yesterday and she said the GI told her there have been no studies to show pre-medicating before dental work has any benefit but if the dentist wants him to take the Amoxicillin that's fine. She said GI is at a conference in Atlanta but she'll ask him about maybe prescribing a low dose Xanax to take before procedures.
3) I've heard that a lot of people have problems tapering. How long did it take for your kids to get off Prednisone?

As you can probably tell, I'm never comfortable with the advice my GI gives. I've known we need to switch ever since he perforated DS during his colonoscopy but he's the ONLY pediatric GI in the hospital network (THREE hospitals)!! Thanks in advance for any suggestions/advice/etc.!
We have the same GI situation. It is SO frustrating to have a poor working relationship with the GI and no other options. I had found with our GI that he didn't really want to answer questions about the meds that were unrelated to the GI tract. Well, hello, there is a lot more to the GI med than just the tract. Then who do you call? Your GP?

Anyway, just sending empathy. We didn't use Pred.
I have been on prednisone many times and no side effects, until the last time I was on it. I did get acne, and yes it cleared up after I stopped prednisone, but it took a little while, it might be because I was on a high dose of prednisone for an extended period of time. I am going to see a Dermotologist to ask for more info on it, since I know I will have to be on prednisone at some point in my life.

Any flare I have had and used prednisone, the taper has been pretty good, I went down 5 mg per week. This previous flare, mild one, took me awhile to taper. For some reason the mild symptoms just wouldn't calm down. I tapered every 10 days with this last flare.

Good luck, hope your son feels better!
1) Anybody notice acne as a side effect? DS was so lucky to have not a single zit ever and a few days after starting Prednisone, his face, chest and back are covered with acne! I called his GI and asked if the acne might go away after he tapers off but he didn't really answer me one way or the other, he just gave me the number for a dermotologist.

This didn’t happen to my son but unfortunately steroid acne is a not too uncommon side effect of Prednisone. :( And the areas of the body you indicated your son is affected are where it occurs. It does go away after Prednisone is stopped as Lam has said. I the meantime it wouldn’t hurt to go to a dermatologist for advice on lessening its affects.

2) DS has MANY cavities to have filled and when we went in a few days ago and told his dentist he is on Prednisone he said he thinks he should be pre-medicated with Amoxicillin (4 tablets an hour before) because the immune system is down. He also noticed that Grayson was a bit nervous about getting the filling and mentioned (privately to me) that if he gets too nervous he could go into adrenal crisis because of the Prednisone and to mention that to the GI as well. I spoke with the GI's nurse yesterday and she said the GI told her there have been no studies to show pre-medicating before dental work has any benefit but if the dentist wants him to take the Amoxicillin that's fine. She said GI is at a conference in Atlanta but she'll ask him about maybe prescribing a low dose Xanax to take before procedures.

I don’t think it would hurt to have antibiotics pre procedure. It makes a difference then all well and good. If makes no difference then with 4 tablets you are no worse off. My son had minor surgery, a hernia repair, and he is on Imuran but no special precautions were taken. Dental can be a different kettle of fish though.
I would be very surprised if your son faced an adrenal crisis under these circumstances. I know what the dentist is getting at but your son does not have primary adrenal insufficiency. In your case the problem of adrenal crisis occurs when you are taking large doses of Prednisone and stop them abruptly, hence why you have to taper over a number of weeks. Prednisone suppresses the body’s own making of adrenalin, by tapering it allows your adrenal glands to take over and increase its production of adrenalin as the Prednisone is correspondingly weaned off.

3) I've heard that a lot of people have problems tapering. How long did it take for your kids to get off Prednisone?

Some people do have issues but in our case there were none. From the start of the course to the finish it was about 2 months.

Dusty. xxx
DS got mood swings and moon face with his
No acne but his first round was at 8.
First round took two months to taper while he was on a maintence med that could take over .
Second time it took almost four months . Every time we tapered down below 20 he would get vasculitis - he was starting on Mtx at the time.
After almost 10 weeks we have up and switched remicade plus taper
No issues
Moon face migraines weight gain (20 lbs) etc went down
Well except he kept the weight

I know DS dentist gets antsy around DS even suggest he could get braces
Gi cleared him for those right away
Good luck
We have had acne and moon face - drove my daughter crazy! It's so hard when they're teenagers and already self-conscious. It went away after she got off Prednisone thankfully.

We have usually done a very slow taper and been fine. M has not been on such a high dose of Pred though. In the times that the taper has been hard, we've had to up the doses of her other meds or change them completely.

Hang in there!
Yes to acne, and my son was only 8 while on prednisone. It also gave him the dreaded moon face, and filled in his eyebrows. His appetite increased and he gained about 20 lbs. The taper went well for my son, but our GI does a very slow taper. including the taper, my son was on prednisone for 5 months.
14yo son disgnosed August and tapering pred now. Acne all over his chest and shoulders that is just spreading to his face.

He has been tapering very slowly bc we are trying ScD vs meds. No issues but he has moved from 40mg 30, 20,15 now every two weeks.

I hope all goes well with your son. I will follow your posts.
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