Anyone got any advice?

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Hi everyone
Ive just joined this group, Im female, 30 years old and had crohns since I was 10.

Have started feeling unwell in the last 3 weeks after a bout of stress, and now back on Asacol.

Anyways, Im really panicky and nervous and just generally worrying non stop about needing to go to the toilet whenever I leave home, or Im out or at work etc, its causing me so much grief I dont know what to do, and where I end up worrying so much about it, I end up being ill and needing to go to the toilet lots.

I got stuck in a big traffic jam earlier, I couldnt breathe, I was panicking, crying, because I was worrying about not being able to go to the toilet if I needed to, worried so much that in the end I actually needed to desperately go.

Can anyone help, I dont know whether to go back to the doctors or not? Or just let it pass, its actually ruining my life at the moment though and really upsetting me.

Welcome aboard

sorry too hear your not copin too well ATM
sounds bit like your having panicc attacks or anxiety attacks, not uncommon with some medications an with cd
I'd definetly go back an see my dr if I was u, as they may be able too adjust your dosage or prescribe something to relax/calm u an make life more bareable
:welcome: NB! Wow - you have had CD for 20 years?? Have you never been in this situation before with it? I would definitely call your GI, if you are having urgency issues that are that bad, you may be flaring and the Asacol may not be enough to cover it for you. Can you give us some history of your disease and what other medications you have been on? Sorry you are having such a trying time - I hope it passes quickly for you hon!

I can sympathise with you, and you do worry, I left home in Wiltshire to go to my mums in Cornwall, I got 7 miles down the road and had to come back, wait an hour to see if I would be ok. Where I work the nearest ladies loo is down 2 flights of stairs and across 2 corridors, I've had spoken to our HR about it, but as I've been in remission its all gone quiet again. There are times I just cant come in, or I have to go home.

The next time I go to mums I will take anti diaorreah pills, especially for long journeys, sometimes I wear disposable pants with sanitary towels, it is a horrrible thing and unless other people suffer with it no-one understands.

I to am on asacol, at the moment they arent doing anything for me as I'm having a flareup right now, have been in agony. Hope you get sorted

:) Karisue
Welcome :) I would say if it is affecting your life to that extent you have to see your doctor. I hope you feel better.
Often the thought is worse than the reality (i do not mean that in a derisory way at all) - i have to talk myself into believing that things will not happen - a bit like a mantra. Mine is ' I can do this'. I say it in my head until i convice myself. That way i start thinking more about the mantra and less about the original problem. (Having typed that it sounds totally daft!) But it is somthing i do often, just to get me through situations, it sort of buys me time to get to the loo or out of a situation that i feel pressurised by.
I would also have a chat with your Dr, Asacol didn't work for me and i think knowing that a tablet your taking isn't working or may not be working properly adds to the stress factor.
Hope you feel better soon.
You should go back to your doc if you're going that frequently. Its causing you to have panic attacks which are never fun. Best thing to do for now while you're waiting for your appointment is to try and avoid over thinking where the bathrooms are. Try to distract yourself by chanting or in my case sometimes I rub a smooth object, usually the necklace I'm wearing, or try to listen to music and focus on singing along. Your doc will be able to help you decide if medication for your anxiety is best for you at this time or not.

I'm similar to you where I was diagnosed when I was 9 and am now 27. I started having panic attacks about 2 years ago. I went a year without medication because I didn't even know what was wrong with me. I went to my doc and also saw a therapist (helps a lot btw). My doc put me on Klonopin and that worked for me for a while. I stopped taking it a few months ago cause you can't be on it forever and my therapist helped me figure out what techniques work best for me to use while I'm having a panic attack.

Here's some info on it. Maybe it will help you some.
Hey everyone
Thanks for your responses, you have all been really helpful.

Its the panic attacks that are causing me of a problem right now and they only happen when Im suddenly feeling trapped and then of course worsen, because Im worrying about what the consequences could be.

The history of my disease is that I was diagnosed at 9/10 years old, and after a number of tests etc I was put on Salazaphorine (bright orange horrible liquid). I have numerous bouts of illnesses throughout the years, and ended up on Asacol only recently. Ive actually been totally fine up until about a month ago.

I had been working at home for the past year or so, and only recently started working back in an office, as my job was home based, I never once had problems then. Back in the office and after stressful periods back to being ill again....and the anxiety seems to be worse than its ever been. So yeah Im gonna head back to the doctors this week and see what they can do. Ive also been doing plenty of exercise to take my mind off things.

Like Swift I believe in a mantra
Try this one - it's called colour breathing, we use it in times of stress, panic attacks and anxiety with the kids with ASD in my school.
It works!
1. Think of what is making you panic or stressed, and give it a colour you don't like

2. Think of happier times, things you love, people you love etc, give it a colour you really like

3. When you start to panic, or stress, breathe in deeply the colour that you like and think of it

4. Exhale the colour you don't like, keep doing it, and concentrate

You will find, after some practice, that your heart rate will slow down, you'll breathe normally and your panic attacks will be in your control

Good luck, and practice, it works!

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