Anyone had their ileostomy scoped?

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Feb 2, 2014
hi. I am a newbie here, but not to having an ostomy.

Has anyone here had their ileostomy scoped, and if so, done it without sedation? My doctor said some people choose not to have sedation and handle it fine. I asked him how painful he thought it was and all he could say was "less painful than childbirth". Not helpful. I got an epidural for that :)

I had it done once before and was sedated, but if it's not too painful I'd like to skip the drugs.
Do you mean a full scope, going a long way into the intestine? I've not had that done, but a couple of days after my surgery to create my ileostomy, the doctors were concerned I might have a blockage, so a doctor first put his finger in and then a camera on a very small scope, to check just the stoma opening. I've also had catheters inserted into my stoma.

None of this hurt; they told me the stoma tissue has no nerve endings so you won't feel anything, however I certainly felt the pressure of the touch - I guess that the sensations I felt were actually coming from the area around the stoma if it's true the stoma tissue can't feel.

I'm guessing what you're talking about is a bit more extensive though?
A little more extensive, but not much. He said they usually can only go about 2 feet into the small bowel because it has so many twists and turns. I think it's not supposed to be painful so much as create a lot of pressure as they push the scope further in, and it puts pressure on the bladder and other organs. and I have a friend who tried to have it done without sedation but it was too painful for her, but she felt that it was because she had so much scar tissue.
I have it done last december! I have colostomy though. I have always had sedation in every scope but this time i decide to go through it without it. I got some midatzolam iv, but it really did nothing to me. I was full awake the whole procedure. It wasn't painful at all!!! It was interesting to watch the scope done for the first time. I have sigmoidostomy, and they did go all the way in my terminal ileum. I really didn't feel aby pain at all and my GI told me that every patient who have had scoped through stoma, has said that it's a piece of cake, comparing to colonoscopy through anus.

Mayby you can ask if they put iv to you and give medicines if you feel any pain during the scope.

Good luck!
Hi. I had mine scoped yesterday. No sedation, no pain meds and no pain. I don't have much left. The offered sedation but I wanted to play it by ear. Didn't take long - 5 min.
They went in about 44-50 cm. It really was nothing.
I had an ileoscopy with sedation. They went in about 2 feet. I think the gas they put in to expand the intestine might cause some people discomfort if awake. I was asleep for the procedure and for about 15 minutes afterward. I felt fine when I woke up. Just a little cramping in my tummy for a few hours. Is your doctor a male? I just love it when men compare pain levels to childbirth !?!