Anyone have any fish recepies for me?

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Apr 7, 2010
If this has already be posted please direct me to the tread. I am trying to get rid of this flair and it has become very clear to me that fish is going to be my best option these days. I can bake it in the oven with salt pepper and lemon, or I can pan fry (with just cooking spray.. no butter, or oil) and it turns out ok. Does anyone have any other ways to cook it. I am trying to avoid dairy and vegies at the min so I know that limits me, but if you have any suggestions all are welcome. The fish I can get at my store are salmon, talapia, cat fish, and sometimes cod.

Thanks, Woops!
I do not if you like fruits, but you can always add that in to mix up the flavors. Adding in different flavors can make the meals much more bearable.

Here is one recipe I found:

Baked White Fish with Grapefruit

I'm not a big fan of fish, but I know it's good for me. I try to disguise the flavor as best I can. This recipe will work with cod, halibut, haddock, or similar "low fat" fish.

1 large grapefruit

2 large cod or halibut fillets, preferably fresh

3/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup olive oil

1 cup herbed bread crumbs (I buy Pepperidge Farms boxed crumbs, but you can make your own)

1/4 teaspoon dried thyme

Preheat oven to 350, and spray a 9" by 13" or 9" by 9" pan with cooking oil (choose the pan size that best suits your fish). Peel the grapefruit and section it into a small bowl. Let it stand long enough to collect some juice (about 5 to 7 minutes). Brush the fillets generously with the grapefruit juice, sprinkle with salt, and place in the pan. In a small bowl, combine the breadcrumbs and thyme with all but one tablespoon of the olive oil. Sprinkle the breadcrumb mixture over the fish. Arrange the grapefruit sections over the crumbed fish, and brush the grapefruit with the reserved olive oil. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the fish flakes easily with a fork.
I don't know how well your stomach would tolerate it right now (because its a seasoning) but lately we've been baking ours in tinfoil with a seasoning called "Mrs. Dash". I'm not sure the exact flavour but ours is in a blue container. I don't like spicy so this one is more of a mild taste that's full of flavour. We also throw corn in there so it soaks up some flavour also but being in a flare, that probably wouldn't be your best idea.
We mostly use tilapia also. Mmmmmmm
How are potatoes for you? We dice potatoes into squares and mix in some medallion carrots and put them in the oven for like an hour and they're sooo good!

I'm aware you said you're in a flare but I figure once things start to slow down, these could be options so you can still have the fish. We have also use corn flakes (cereal) as breading for the fish and baked it so its nice and crispy
one for when you're feeling better
fresh sardines
-light a fire
-leave to burn down to embers
-gut and de-head and rinse sardines
-grill sardines for a minute or two each side
- eat hot with fingers outside with plenty of lemon and olive oil
I have one which I made up and I love it so much! I use it with salmon most of the time but I think you could use it with any fish. You can adapt it to whatever you like and don't like in it.
I put the fish in a small sort of casserole dish which is a couple of inches deep and I put it on top of some tomato based pasta sauce, the one I usually use is tomato and herb I think. I usually water it down a bit so it doesn't get too dry when its in the oven. And then I put some vegetables around the fish, you could leave this out if you don't want the veg. I usually use some onions, peppers, and mushrooms. And then I put some breadcrumbs on top of the fish, I usually mix them with some red pesto or a tiny amount of curry paste. So breadcrumbs go on, I drizzle a tiny amount of oil over the top and some pepper and oregano (again leave it out if you don't think you should eat it) and then put it in the oven at about 200C for 20-25mins. The breadcrumbs have usually gone a dark brown and you can check the fish is done by cutting it open. I usually eat it with a small amount of rice.
Trout it great if you gut it and fill the insides with slices of garlic and lemon, and astick of rosemary each (use it to pierce the fish cut closed while it cooks). Wrap it in tin foil and its nice on the bbq or in the oven (think it cooked it at 160degC ish for 5mins but its worth looking on the internet for better cooking advice)
Salmon and Tuna is my favorites fish,rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
There are many vitamins found in fish likes vitamins B-6,and vitamins D.
This vitamins is very important to our body.

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Salmon and Tuna is my favorites fish,rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
There are many vitamins found in fish likes vitamins B-6,B-12 and vitamins D.
This vitamins is very important to our body.

Am i right in thinking that you only get the omega-3 in fresh/frozen salmon and tuna (ie not canned)?
I am sure that there is omega-3 in canned salmon and tuna.

And the bones are good for you, too.

I prefer canned wild salmon to fresh farmed salmon.
I like steamed fish in the microwave, especially any mild white fish [like cod or haddock], also salmon or tuna. It's super easy and fast. The length of time depends on how powerful your microwave is and how thick or large the fish. If fish is frozen, I like to thaw it out first in a bowl of cool water in the sink. Place fish on steamer rack, with an half inch or so of water beneath. I steam mine for about 4-6 minutes..but a good idea, if you are unsure how long to cook your piece of fish, is to cook it on high for 2-3 minutes. Then check it to see if the middle is cooked through. If necessary, you can cook it additionally 1 minute at a time until it is done. Sometimes I add seasonings to the water, or veggies along with the fish on the steamer rack. This is a great low fat way to eat fish.
I had fish last night - delicious! And I use this method often.

I need my vegetables well-cooked, so soften some sliced leeks (can't cope with onions), fennel, grated carrot, ginger in a bit of olive oil (you can add anything else you fancy). Then take a large piece of baking paper, double over, put half of vegetable mix in the middle (size of the fish), fish on top, season with salt and squeeze of lemon, rest of vegetable mix on top. Fold up, pressing folds tightly on top and at sides to seal.

Cook on a baking tray in a moderate oven for 15 to 20 minutes, depending on size of your piece of fish.

Unfold carefully on your plate as there will be delicious juices in the package.

I prefer using baking paper to foil.
Some stores have this stuff called: Rub with Love salmon rub and there are even versions of it that are sold. Once in awhile we use that on our salmon. If you have a griddle, you put a liitle butter on it when it warms up to melt before putting the fish on. Place a piece of salmon on the griddle & spoon enough to cover the piece. Leave your fish to cook till the rub with love is melted & turn it over, peeling off the skin off the back & spoon more on the back side. Then let it cook till the backside is melted. If you don't have a griddle, you can also do this in a frying pan.

This Rub with Love type of stuff has kind of a spicy/sweet taste.
I love foil steaming salmon in the oven seasoning it with pink himalayan sea salt, ground peppercorn, fresh or powdered garlic and fresh lemon slices.

Tilapia I use a lemon, garlic, salt, ginger (or garlic) powder sautee with avocado oil (my new favorite) or olive oil.

Cod is great for fish tacos. A lime seasoning or a cliantro/lime/greek yogurt/avocado sauce is great!
I tried to avoid frying anything, as it flares me up.

Baking fish in a bag or banana leaf, is the healthiest option.

{admin edit - there are plenty of recipes on line}
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