Anyone know Yoga videos?

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Dec 23, 2012
I have been stuck in bed for over a year now, and there is no way I am ready to get another gym membership and start lifting again. So I have been trying to find a yoga video to start doing. However I am not finding anything that is the right fit for me, so I was hoping I could get a recommendation.

I can only find the two extremes of yoga, either its super hard poses for experts, or I find like "relaxing yoga" videos, which is pretty much just stretching.

I want to find something that is just simple poses, but will help build strength.It would be cool if it was geared towards guys also, cus the "relaxation yoga" videos all have like flowers and girly stuff. haha The two that I liked was Rodney Yee (sp?) and the p90x yoga video, but both were a bit too advanced for a beginner. (p90x being too cardio-ish)

Any advice on where to start or what to look into?

I like Jillian Michaels' "yoga meltdown" video. Not geared specifically toward men, but she gives adjustments to make the poses more or less intense.
u must start with the simple beginners' asanas..that will prepare you for the next level..and you will be able to do the tougher asanas..thats how you will increase strength and vitality..its a process that you must follow. usually people may do specific asana for a specific ailment..for example for stomach wind problem one may do pawanmukta asana without doing other asanas for beginners, but if you want to do the asanas that increase your strength, you must start with the easier asanas and prepare for yourself before suddenly starting the asanas for increasing strength as these asanas put your body under a lot of stress and in yog its important to do attain a posture which is perfect even if done very few times than doing an asana in wrong posture.
u must start with the simple beginners' asanas..that will prepare you for the next level..and you will be able to do the tougher asanas..thats how you will increase strength and vitality..its a process that you must follow. usually people may do specific asana for a specific ailment..for example for stomach wind problem one may do pawanmukta asana without doing other asanas for beginners, but if you want to do the asanas that increase your strength, you must start with the easier asanas and prepare for yourself before suddenly starting the asanas for increasing strength as these asanas put your body under a lot of stress and in yog its important to do attain a posture which is perfect even if done very few times than doing an asana in wrong posture.

Could you recommend a good video that will teach all the basics? Thanks.

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