Anyone NOT have their child take the flu shot?

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Feb 23, 2013
Daughter (12) just started on Azathropine (50 mg) and we haven't had her take the flu shot. We decided this flu season, before she was diagnosed, that we weren't going to do the flu shots this year. They are recommending she has it...pushing it really.

What have the rest of you done? Flu shot or no flu shot????
My daughters never had the flu shot.
I asked my GP last winter and he said it was better if she didn't have it done.
This time i'm going to ask the GI as i've read on here that a lot of kids do get the shot.
Flu shot here.
Mine has asthma which also compromises the immune system.
I have seen ( as in the ER ) with my limp kid struggling to breathe for just the flu.
This has happened each time he did not get the flu shot .
First time I was nieve and thought its just the flu - he will be sick ( similar to what I have had ) and be fine in a day or two .
Second time was h1n1 we could not get the vaccine in time in our area.
Even with tamiflu and prednisolone the second time things were very scary.
We got lucky.
Flu can kill in immuno comprised kids period.
I know of a five year old who died from complications of the flu within a week of getting it.
That is why they are pushing for the shot.
Andrew hasn't had a flu injection ever. I worry about adding another thing for his body to cope with. Have to say the nurses have never even mentioned it.
The couple times I had it myself I ended up with a worse cold/flu than the years I didn't get it, so I tend to avoid it now.
I am sorry you were sicker
But the flu shot only protects against the strains of the most common forms of the flu for that year. So if you got the shot for A but were exposed to flu B it does nothing.
But if you got exposed to flu A you may only have mild cold symptoms and not know you had the "flu"
It helps your body build up antibodies - it is a myth that it can make you sicker.
Secondly it can take at least two weeks to work so some get the shot
Get sick with the flu a week later and assume it was the shot since the shot can't work that quickly

Make sure you get the flu shot not the flu mist .
Mist contains the live virus which is not recommended for immmunocompromised kids.

One shot versus a week in the hospital IMO is an easy choice.
Yes, our daughter gets the flu shot and our whole family does. GI highly recommended it. Anything that can help her from getting sick.. Still a personal decision.
I do think it helps, we also had her get the pneumonia shot. It is done once with a one time booster.

I know what you mean about not wanting to put more things in their bodies. We all want to make the right choices for our children :)
Flu shots here, never before he was diagnosed but I have seen a correlation between viruses and flares in our household and it seems to take him longer to get over a bug. GI and Ped recommended with compromised immune system. Just make sure it is the shot with the dead virus and not live virus.
Devynn and I both got the flu shot this year. My 3 older kids did not get it. They got the flu twice, both times lasting about 7 days. Devynn and I both got what I think was a touch of it. We both felt crappy for a day or so.
This was the first year in a few years that we got the shot. Just mentioning a needle would put her into a major freak out and actually giving the shot.. forget it! But she's gotten much better with needles since diagnosis.
My son has not had the flu shot. Mostly because my son very rarely gets sick with colds or the flu so it didn't even occur to me until just recently and now the flu season is nearly over.
No for us! We're well educated on this subject and for now we will not get the shots. However, I never say never!
My girls and I have never had a flu shot and it has never even been recommended to us by a doctor (though I admit, I never even asked about it). My youngest daughter tested positive for the flu a little over 2 weeks ago and a few days later A tested positive too. My youngest became very sick, even with Tamiflu. We caught A's very early and she was started on Tamiflu within 24 hours. She had a very minor case. I will definitely be asking their doctors what they recommend regarding the vaccine next year. The flu is an evil beast.
We don't do vaccines for Jae anymore due to her getting seizures after getting vaccines. I don't know what we'll do if she ends up on immunosuppressive meds.
Sometimes I got a flu shot and sometimes I didn't. I didn't notice a difference with or without other than having some flu like symptoms for a few days after the flu shot. I haven't gotten the flu either way though so now that I'm grown up I don't get a flu shot at all.
We didn't get the flu shot. I also was worried to add something new to Brian's body. He got the Type B flu around December. We did Tamiflu within the first 48 hours and it wasn't bad at all. That was the first time Brian has ever had the influenza (respiratory). He's had stomach bugs before.
My kids both get flu shots every year.
Never had any negative effects or reactions.
Our doctor said if you have ever seen a child who truly has the influenza virus you would get it in a second.
They are still messing with my son's 6mp dose and his white blood cell count occasionally goes very low. I know flu can cause death in immune compromised kids and I just don't want to take that chance.
Yes my son had flu jab, was advised by our ibd team because he is on 6mp. He has had no problems at all and doesnt even take a cold. its not a live vaccine so is absolutely fine , i myself got it last year too and have had no problems at all. good luck whatever you decide. xx
It was strongly recommended for my son due to the mtx an Humira suppressing immunity. That was no big deal for our family as we all get the shot every year anyway. I had influenza several years ago and never want to feel that sick again. My theory is that if there is anything that might help keep us all healthier, then I'm all for it!
Yes flu shot. While it is a personal choice, I work in a hospital, I have an immune compromised kid and people die from the flu :(. Our whole family gets the shots.

I know it sounds melodramatic but it is my honest answer.

Keep researching and you'll figure out what's right for your family.



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