I have always tried to stick to my online business, mostly worked from home for the past 7 years. I have had great success but went downhill because of stress. I can with all modesty say that I have been a Warrior, a Fighter. Went through hell chasing my dreams, still am, but I have stopped killing myself, at least in the manner I have done it for the past 7 years+. Sleeping 3-4 hours a day, constant stress related to my business and other factors have knocked me down. I have worked as much as 140 hours a week, sometimes more, it is not worth it.
Had no Christmas, no birthdays, lost a lot .. but it all came down to business. Came to realize, when bankrupcy hits, at least here where I live, things become a nightmare when you are in debt, just turned 30, a man, that has lost more one can take (yes most of the time crohn's has been the reason)..
I can go on and say a lot regarding this topic but its painful.. I feel everyone on this thread.. and understand perfectly. There is no choice really but to work, try hard and do what I can, while I still can. No disability here for Crohns and don't even want to think about it. Even if there would be any disability its around 140$ per month tops, for certain handicaps, as far as I know for people that can no longer move and are bed bound. Anyhow my point is we should do whatever we can, push our selves a little, I know crohns can make us lazy even if we feel a little bit better, but never push to the point where the pain interferes with the mind and life can be worse than having no income at all, maybe there is someone out there, and I hope there is that would help someone in need with whatever they can if we can't help ourselves. God bless people who can have a stable income, doing nothing, meaning renting an apartment, a disability, help from someone close, an autopilot income of any kind, it is a life savior for everybody with cd, uc .. everybody knows those days.. when we just feel like cuddling under the blanket and suffer without even being able to shred a tear or talk to someone..
Let's keep fighting, what else can we do ? I don't even have a close person to talk to, no friends, just people that have been around me for business or fake friends etc. I am not understood, but God does understand me, and I reborn every once in a while meaning he wants me here. There can't be a rainbow without he rain as they say, well I've seen the rainbow for long periods of time, and I know it's just by the corner, so with all the pain, suffering and feeling worthless in an ill body I keep smiling (mouth shut) a little humor here
well yes crohn's also took my teeth the past 6 months, I ended up with barely enough teeth to chew now and then, but I still smile, I stay strong and I hope everybody does. For anyone that would like to get some coaching for some extra income, I am willing to share a few tips for earning money online, just send me a pm.A few extra bucks always count on rainy days.
God bless :ghug: