Anyone using tincture?

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Apr 2, 2014
I am thinking of trying to make MMJ tincture for myself. I work in a woodworking shop, so I breath a lot of dust. It seems it would be best to not smoke or vape.

I'm still looking for a caregiver because things haven't gotten straightened out yet in Mass. I'll be using Everclear as the alcohol base.

I will also be supplementing with CBD oil. I figure CBD before wok, MMJ tincture after work. I'd like to keep my fingers!

I know it will depend a lot on the strain and the strength of the MMJ that you start with, but what kind of dosing do you use?

Hello, I get tincture from a caregiver in Michigan but it is the glycerin kind. I really like it. I get some of the best brownies from him as well. I would like to try some everclear tincture just to see if it absorbs quicker. I would have to make some myself from buds.

As far as dose I take two or three dropperfuls at a time. The tincture that I get is made from chemdog and each dropperful is the equivalent of about a quarter gram of buds. Sometimes I vape in addition to medibles.

I have been on disability for a long time but I also am a woodworker here at home and know what you mean about your fingers. I don't use router table or table saw right after medicating. I must say though, I sure get alot of creative ideas for wood when effect is strongest.

Hope your tincture works out for your situation!
Everclear tincture would definitely absorb quicker. A few drops under the tongue and you'll feel effects in seconds to minutes.
Hey rusty2112 and FrancisK7,

Thanks for the reply. I'm off to RI to see if I can find Everclear. I've got a line on a caregiver. It looks like things are starting to come together!