Anyone with experience with Laryngopharyngeal Reflux

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Nov 14, 2008
Hi all

I suspect I have LPR. I saw my family doc back in June for phlegm in my throat that interfered with talking. He said it was likely LPR. I am not experiencing the heartburn with regular reflux and he said that was not surprising. He told me to up my Nexium from 40 to 80mg a day but it didn't seem to make much difference.

Early August I had a bad cold that lasted 2 weeks and was given ampicillin for a possible sinus infection. Once I seemed to gotten past it, my throat phlegm was still there as well as a lump in my throat and my throat/neck sometimes felt like I had been crying for hours. Now in the past 2 weeks (since early September), those symptoms have gotten worse. I went into a walk-in clinic 10 days ago and was told my sinus infection didn't seem to go away and I was given Cipro. That seemed to have made a difference but in the past 3-4 days my symptoms have gotten much worse, like my head cold has returned. I find it hard to breathe, my head feels funny, my neck is weak, muscle aches, post-nasal drip, excess saliva, etc. I don't have a runny nose but my nasal passages are semi-blocked. I tried saline flush but nothing comes out. I started taking Equate for Colds and it seems to give me some relief.

My question is if cold-like symptoms can be caused by LPR? where the the excess mucus builds up in your head as a result of the reflux in the throat.

I know my immune system is weak being on imuran and entocort but my senses tell me something is up. Given in the past 3 years I had a battle with small bowel cancer and another surgery for Crohn's, anything now concerns me.

Luckily I see my GI on Monday so I hope to get some answers or get scheduled for tests.

Hi Brad,

You may have LPR, who knows. What I'm always curious about is the root problem causing your symptoms.

I know this is a weird question, but do you know if your Roux en-Y was proximal or distal? Are you on any meds besides the Nexium, Imuran and Entocort? Are you on any supplements?

Was the Nexium prescribed for your possible LPR or something else? When you say your neck is weak, can you elaborate on that?

I hope Monday brings you some answers and wish you all the best!
Hi Brad,

You may have LPR, who knows. What I'm always curious about is the root problem causing your symptoms.

I know this is a weird question, but do you know if your Roux en-Y was proximal or distal? Are you on any meds besides the Nexium, Imuran and Entocort? Are you on any supplements?

Was the Nexium prescribed for your possible LPR or something else? When you say your neck is weak, can you elaborate on that?

I hope Monday brings you some answers and wish you all the best!

I'm not sure if the roux-en-y was proximal or distal. I just know they cut a hole in my stomach, not too close to the start of the bowel, and attached a length of bowel they cut 2+ft down from the start of the bowel. The part left dangling was reattached 2 ft down the long length attached to my stomach.

I was told I'd have to be on PPIs for the rest of my life but I was already on them anyway for Crohn's as diseased bowel would slow stomach contents exiting the stomach.

I am also on Pentasa and take a multi-vitamin, 1200mg of calcium citrate, Vitiman D (1600IU), an iron suppliment, and omega 3 capsules 2x a day.

I saw my GI and my recent bloodwork looked good, no signs of trouble from an abdominal examination. She is going to schedule an endoscopy soon given my last one was a year ago anyway.

My neck just feels weak and tired like I strained it. I'm not sure if that is related or not.

Thanks for the reply...not sure if that sheds anymore light for readers.
I sort of had the same thing and GP thinks it maybe LPR. I've had a lot reflux and for the last 6 months i keep getting these crazy sore throat. he thinks it might be LPR but it also turns out that streap presents weirdly because i'm on humira so one of the times antibiotics worked. it's very confusing and annpying but thankfully only annoying.

i was told that the dose of what ever heartburn med your on needs to be upped to also deal with LPR.
Good luck!

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