Anything but normal

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Apr 28, 2011
This may seem weird but going through this for 8 months I'm wondering if anybody else has had this happen to them or if this is just another normal symptom of IBS?

Well I still remember what a normal feeling poo would feel like. You get the urge to go, fine, you could do some stuff around the house and then leisurely stroll to the bathroom, take care of business and then you where good to go. However, now it seems like my body is playing games with me. When I get that urge to go I better be in the bathroom with the pants down and over the toilet in under 10 sec or less because it almost feels like my body is telling me I got to go poo and I dont care where your at. It's like my butt is going to push it out whether I'm ready or not, and no amount of butt cheek squeezing is going to hold it in.

I've asked my gastro about this and he doesn't seem to have an answer. Oh and the only way I can describe the urgency of the matter is it feels like there is a hydraulic ram pushing the contents out.
yup.....been there, missed the bathroom!.....that urgency is part of the gd disease.....sometimes I can make it - practice holding my breath sometimes as it seems like just breathing makes it want to come out...really sucks if you are in the car!!!!!.....I have noticed sometimes too that if I'm able to breathe (or NOt breathe) through it - I will feel something move in my belly then the urgent feeling will go.....until things move again.....
Definitely - I have never been able to hold it long, but I used to have a little time. Not any more. I MUST know exactly where the washroom is whenever I go anywhere new.
Yeah i get that too, Happened once at the shops and didn't quite make it in time - very very embarrassing
Yeah thats what scares me the most about this is the possible accidents. Heck its bad enough when you cant even make it from the garage (where I'm having the morning coffee) to the bathroom, and then to add insult to injury have to clean up the trail you left hightailing it through the house.
Well. Welcome to our world. Some of us have this 24/7. I did while I was flaring. I never knew what it was til I had a perforated bowel and ended up with a bag!

Not that that will happen to you! But get yourself to a GI ASAP! Get treated, the earlier the better. You dont want to let yourself get too bad.

Like me! 25 times a day in the loo. Normal for me! Its NOT NORMAL. Get treatment as soon as poss!!!

Hey hey,
I am looking into buying some of these:

They are emergency bags for waste, and will absorb it so it shouldn't make too much of a mess.
I am going to a small festival in August (arrgh)... and am going to buy some for this, and also some to have in the car for long journeys.

I just wanted to share as they look like they could be pretty handy :-D
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