Hydration does help veins Tesscorm, as does warmth but for some people it just doesn’t seem to be enough.

I am one of those people, I just have next to no superficial veins.
The phlebotomist makes a world of difference, the one I had yesterday was fab. The more they dig around the sorer it will be and the more likely they blow a vein and you end up with swelling and bruising.
Matt has had copious amounts of blood draws but as far as I know they don’t have any issues drawing blood from him (mind you some of the phlebotomist’s are hopeless and this is with a kid that has veins popping out all over the place!) and scar tissue has never been mentioned, he normally comes home with only one bandaid. Unfortunately though, it is not uncommon for a vein to become scarred and collapse if it is used repeatedly and when veins are difficult to locate I wouldn’t be surprised if they are using the same one over and over again. :ghug:
What an absolute balls up with the tests! Little wonder you, me and no doubt the everyone else here is a control freak!
You know what, I am so much of a control freak that if I am in town, about 30 minutes away, and get take away I check the bags before I leave! In my defence, you would be amazed how many times the order is missing something! :lol:
I hope the tests all arrive at their destination mum and in the right condition!
Dusty. xxx