dont worry TOO much. sometimes its totally normal for this to happen as in cases where it is actually just the outer casing of the pill that comes out. the casings are made to break open at a certain point in your intestinal tract where the medecine is released but the shell isnt digested and comes out.
this might gross some poeple out, but i would totally scoop one of those suckers out and check. see if it is a 100% intact pill or if there are any breaks in it and its empty.
if its completely intact then it is possible that your body isnt able to break though the shell for whatever reasons. i think that sometimes acidity level has to do with it, not enough and the shell is too hard for weak digestive juices to have any effect on.
but whatever the reason, if the drug is not being released, then deff tell your doc. a diff formulation of the same drug may be better for you, as they case the same drug in many ways in order for the release point in the digest. system to be different.
if they are just empty shells (and in the toilet they can SO appear to be intact, utill you see it up close) then its no big deal.