At a Lost

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 18, 2011
Sorry for such a negative post subject, but I am so at a lost right now.

It has been over two months since my last post, my family doctor has since put me on Lomotil which has helped with the chronic diarrhea and pains. I have had a few good weeks which too say has been wonderful, I have had some up and some downs during those weeks but nothing like today.
During this time, I have had a WBC scan, an endoscopy ultrasound and a Nuclear endocrine tumor tests. So far the results from the EU and the Endocrine have came back good. No results for the WBC scan yet, and I have a CT scan scheduled for August 19.
So far from all my tests they have either came back negative or inconclusive. The only test that has ever came back with something is the Colonscopy which showed tiny ulcers of the ileum and the doctor doesn't feel that is the cause of my diarrhea symptoms because there was no signs of inflammation and the ulcers only cover a small area. He said it is not crohns at the moment it could develop in 5 to 10 years or not at all.
Yesterday and today I have had alot of gurgling and I mean alot in my intestines, I feel really gassy and have went to the bathroom 4 times in a very short period of time each time with alot. I am scared that the Lomotil is not working as well as it has before. I know I am only taking 1 a day which is fantastic as my family doctor says I've gained 8 pounds in about 10 weeks while on it, which was well needed. I go see my Gi in September after all my tests have been done.
I am truelly at a lost, I have been sick for over a year now and still we have no answer. I started seeing a phycologist and honestly without her I don't know where I'd be, she has sent letters to my physicians explaining to them my situation and they have pushed to have all my tests moved up (thus explaining why I had 3 tests in one month). I am fed up of going through tests I think I have had every tests imaginable out there to suspect crohns and yet none has came back with anything. I understand the doctor is scared to treat me with the medications because of the risks but I'm so scared it is getting worse or it will keep escalating. I know my phycologist says that " you never know it might just be IBS" but isn't IBS controllable.

Sorry just needed to vent a little.
I'm sorry you are so frustrated right now. Since you last posted we have created an undiagnosed portion of the forum, under are welcome to come vent and talk to us there!

As for the IBS thing, I have seen a therapist that said that to me as well. It can really mess with your head when you have IBS and Crohns as being possibilities. IBS, however, would never cause ulcers like that in your TI. Also, when crohns is at its early stages, it is hard to find evidence due to the flares usually being milder and shorter (my GP thinks this is why my tests are coming back normal). As for IBS being can be, but IBS really isn't treatable per say. People with IBS just have to learn what their triggers are, whether it be stress or certain foods. There are medicines to help with symptoms, but not the condition overall.

I hope things get better soon! I hope your GI sees that you truly need help. Hang in there!

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