Back pain

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Jun 14, 2011
Curious about the back pains many people have mentioned...

Off and on, my son has had back pain over the last couple of years. I always thought it was caused by poor posture, slouching/tensing over the computer for hours and lots of hockey with lots of hits, etc. I always believed that excessive use of ibuprofen last winter triggered his Crohns. But, now, I'm wondering if, instead of the back pain/ibuprofen triggering the Crohns, perhaps the back pain was actually being caused by undiagnosed Crohns and not by the posture and hockey.

I heard so many here mention joint pain as well, I'm wondering if the back pain is connected.

So, I'm curious... when you say 'back pain', are you referring to spinal/joint pains or muscular pain in your back. My son's back pains seem to be muscular (muscles identified by GP were latissimus dorsi, rhomboids and deltoid - usually on his right side).

It seems coincidental that his back has not been sore for weeks and weeks (of course, minimal to no hockey now) but was sore the last few days and he had a couple of instances of small bits of mucus as well.

Any thoughts?
Sarah use to suffer with back pain around the right kidney region, so in the general area you are referring to. Turns out hers was caused by the inflammation of the terminal ileum pressing against the ureter which in turn caused urine to back up into her kidney and produce swelling of the renal pelvis.

Dusty. xxx
While yes the back pain could be caused by a number of things, stress on the abdominal region always causes stress on the back. You could feel the pain on your spine or on the side but which could be the lower, middle or upper portion of the back. Its generally muscular as the muscles are compensating for the pain/discomfort/stress on the abdomen. Always a good thing to get checked out no matter what. During my first flare I had to have physical therapy done for general lower back pain. The physical therapy helped strengthen the muscles which reduced the amount of pain but the pain didn't really go away until I was in remission.
Thanks, am going to ask about this at his next GI apptmt. I never really considered that his Crohn's and back pain were connected (other than indirectly through the ibuprofen use). Over the last couple of years, he did have a x-ray taken of his spine but, nothing abnormal showed up and his GP identified which muscles were tense and we followed up with some physio, stretching exercises and massage, which would help for a while... until his next game (I thought...).

But, as I mentioned, he had some mucus discharge the last couple of days AND some back pain (but, we were at Disney World and, initially, I thought it had been the sudden movements of some of the rides).

But what you've said makes sense... and it seems so coincidental. Thanks again for the info...
I get hip and mid-back pain during flares. It worsens as the Crohn's flares up and goes away when I'm in remission. This is my second major flare and although the symptoms have almost gone away the back pain is still there, although not nearly as bad as it was.

I'll have to try physical therapy sometime. The only thing the doctors have said is to try pain medication which hasn't helped with any of the Crohn's pains.
I have had bad lower back pain for the last couple of days, which started up around the same time my ankles and knees started to become sore. It has stopped me sleeping for a good few hours at night. Pain medication doesn't help and the only thing that relieves the back pain enough for me to sleep is a hot water bottle pressed on the offending areas. I'm not totally sure why this is happening but I have seen a few people mention back and joint pain on here too; it's quite nice to see it's not just me.
yes me too. For the last few days i have had some lower back pain. Once im up it isnt so bad but sitting really agravates it. A hot rice bag helps. I myself has Colitis and wondering if there is any connection.
I have ankylosing spondylitis, which is an arthritis associated with Crohn's. It is an inflammatory arthritis of the Spine and SI (hip) joints.
My spine feels very stiff (though i also have had scoliosis surgery) I am bad with joints vs. muscle vs. bone pain in my own body. but it's more in my upper back and then the back part of my ribs. Like most arthritis the more stronger your surrounding muscle are and more you move around the less pain most people have.
HI tesscorm, ever since my crohn's has flared up i too have had lower back pain right across my back and it hurts like holy hell. i usually take muscle relaxants without the ibuprofen. Please remember no NSAID's like advil, ibuprofen, Asprin, or anything the says ASA. it's very hard on Crohn's and colitis persons because they could possibably cause a flare up because it effects the bowel wishes.

Thanks everyone.

Did follow up at my son's GI apptmt on Friday - apparently spine x-rays taken at the last apptmt did not show any abnormalities and the GI doesn't think it's related in this case, however, as he said it he is not an expert in this area, to be sure, he is referring my son to a rheumatologist. We'll see how that goes...

Scott - yes, absolutely NO ibuprofen - unfortunately, I believe excessive use of ibuprofens last winter may have triggered his Crohn's in the spring??? :yfrown:

By the way, something that has helped my son with his back pain, and he swears by it! is Tiger Balm ointment. He swears that it takes away the pain (temporarily). Its a bit stinky but seems to help him quite a bit.

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