Farmwife, on my program of reintroduction, juice was one of the later foods to introduce. I can'r remember if I have mentioned these books to you before:
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The Essential Guide to Controlling Crohn's Disease, Colitis and Other IBDs by Professor John Hunter and
Beat Crohn's! Getting to remission with Enteral Nutrition by Margaret A. Oppenheimer.
The second book (despite it's cartoon cover) has well-researched and detailed info about different types of EEN and ways to return to eating. The first one describes a treatment program of EEN used for IBD at Addenbrooke's Hospital in the U.K. The book describes the process of returning to eating using a full elimination diet (they also describe one for a partial elimination diet--don't use that one) that they have studied. Their theory is that EEN brings on remission by changing the flora of the bowel, so when one returns to eating, keeping the flora in the state that brought on remission is what helps. They have researched many foods that cause problems for people with IBD and came up with the diet to get a person back to eating in the fastest, most successful way.
This worked for me, however, it has been a very long process, and one that I have had to be fully committed to for over a year and a half. I still have not fully tested all foods as the process has been much slower for me than in the book.
Unfortunately, raw fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and one of the later foods in the program, so I wouldn't start Grace with juice--as well, it is also usually very acidic and can cause reflux when first starting to eat again.
I know that it may seem that all we do is to tell you what not to do, but Grace needs a well thought out plan for a return to eating, so that she doesn't have to do it all over again. It si very discouraging when that happens--I know from experience.
You are looking for a well-balanced diet for her in the end, with foods that she is most likely to tolerate. She needs a grain, a protein, a fat, and a milk and a cooked fruit/vegetable to start. Watery Rice, chicken, olive or canola oil and probably a rice milk to start. Then well cooked carrots and/or pears.
This info is from the IBD perspective. You also have to consider her other condition.
There is more info about this process in the My Story Forum