Bad cramps in my butt! Advice please!

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Mar 18, 2009
Okay, this is gross but I need advice. I have been having these bad cramps in my friggin pooper/beneath my tail bone. They started a couple of months ago and seemed to relate to menstral cramps, but now I am not so sure. I seem to get them much more often now and they last throughout the day, and they get really, really painful just before a BM. It feels like I have a charlie horse in my ass! :eek2: My only other symptoms are constipation and a cramp/stitch in my left side that has been coming on with only slight exercise. Any ideas here? Anyone had this butt cramping before?
Hmmm. If it really is cramp, and there is no other reason for it, like a fistula/fissure/etc, do you have a ventolin inhaler... Or know someone with one who wouldn't mind you having a couple of puffs.

My hubby gets a real cramping pain in the bum, enough to make him hyperventolate, and often finds going to the toilet helps. What worked better is a puff of ventolin. It stops the muscles spasming, in the lungs and it seems elsewhere. It is a recognised condition: proctalgia fugax. Our GP was happy to prescribe him a ventolin of his own even tho it isn't a recognised treatment for it. Hubby found it by accident whilst browsing the web, as you do.
ive not had them ive had twitches tho lol but i read the title to this thread and it made me think of the spongebob episode where patrick gets the butt cramps lol i love that one!!! and yes im 18 and still watch spongebob my mom loves it too and she is 43 ^.^