Barium Meal Complications!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 18, 2012

I'm new here, my 18 year old daughter has recently been diagnosed with crohn's. She seems to have a couple of okay days and then vomiting lots. She has been given steroids, and laxatives, as she is apparently 'backed up'.

Last Friday she was scheduled for a barium meal test. The barium didn't go passed her stomach and after two hours she vomited the whole lot back up! She was sent home, but ended up that evening in the emergency room as the barium that was left had solidified in her stomach! Has anyone else had a similar experience?
Sounds as though she has an obstruction. What did they do for her in the emergency department? I've had what my doctors call a Paralytic ileus. Not sure how to explain it, but they told me my intestines were not working as they should as in the nerves weren't telling it what to do. If that makes sense.
Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately in Emergency she didn't see anyone from Gastro. The Dr there just gave her IV pain relief and anti sickness and told her to drink plenty. Advised to stay in for obs but she was desperate to come home as she has spent two out of the last five weeks in hospital.

She was in a lot of pain throughout the evening but it must have moved over night as she woke up much better! Today however back to tummy cramping and vomiting..
Has she had a bowel movement since this test? It sure sounds like some type of obstruction.
Hello and welcome to the forum.

I am sorry to hear that your daughter is going through this, I have had to have the barium stuff but it did go through and didn't give me issues with sickness. I was also wondering about her bowel movements since she was given the laxative? What other tests as she had to confirm the diagnosis? How long as she been on the steroids and at what dosage? When is she next due to see the GI doc?


Yes, she has had some, but very tiny amounts, with lots of blood! She has also had very runny stools, which could be overflow??

She started off on 6 pred daily and is on a reducing dose weekly until she has weaned off, she is now taking 1 daily. She also has pred foam which she takes daily and salofac.

She has had colonoscopy and endoscopy, and xrays

She has 3 different sorts of laxatives!!

We are still waiting for her next appointment with GI!!!

N x
Are you able to contact anyone at the hospital to get an emergency appt? Usually the clinic receptionists can get you through to the docs secretaries, get demanding if you have to. It really doesn't seem to me that what she has been given is helping much - did she get any improvement on the higher pred dose?
Yeah I've got my doc's reception number. I can leave a message for the specialist nurse if she's on ward and I'll likely get a call back tomorrow afternoon. The nurse will liaison with my specialist doc so this is certainly my pref to getting stuff done, instead of using my GP. Fairly prompt really.

what's this barium meal test? A letter the doc sent said something about possibly doing a barium follow through. Do you eat the barium dye?
A barium follow through will illustrate the entire GI system, esophagus, stomach and intestines.It is a radio opaque substance intended to demonstrate any defects in the system. When looking at the xrays the organs show up as white. It is possible to demonstrate defects in this way.
The barium is in a special solution that will be given to you to drink.It is a milky white substance with a bland taste, some hospitals use a flavored kind.
Hugs and best wishes
The higher dose didn't seem to make that much difference. She seems okay for a few days and then just can't tolerate anything!! Whatever she is eating or drinking comes straight back up.

She has lost over 2 stone since August and is getting pretty fed up.

I haven't got a direct number for the GI team at our local hospital, but I think you are right, I need to start shouting and get her an urgent appointment.

Thanks for all your advice!!

Hi there and welcome. I just wanted to chime in with the others and say do what it takes to get your daughter seen by a GI as soon as possible.

We're here for you.
I haven't got a direct number for the GI team at our local hospital, but I think you are right, I need to start shouting and get her an urgent appointment.

Thanks for all your advice!!


No need for shouting really. Nurse are such nice people so no need to be angry. :thumleft:

Just call the main switchboard of your hospital, if you know the specialist doctor's name then ask for his secretary. Or ask the receptionist there.

To be honest with the NHS I've always had the number. It was given to me on their Crohn's booklet/leaflet thing when I was diagnosed.

also, this barium test sounds well cool. I'd be up for seeing an x-ray of my gut!
No need for shouting really. Nurse are such nice people so no need to be angry. :thumleft:

Just call the main switchboard of your hospital, if you know the specialist doctor's name then ask for his secretary. Or ask the receptionist there.

To be honest with the NHS I've always had the number. It was given to me on their Crohn's booklet/leaflet thing when I was diagnosed.

also, this barium test sounds well cool. I'd be up for seeing an x-ray of my gut!

Lol, I didn't mean shouting literally!!! We have just got home and found a message on the answer phone for an urgent appointment!! Hopefully with her barium test she will get seen quickly now.

My daughter has today been contacted by the IBD nurse. This is the first contact with her, she apparently should never have been sent home last Friday!!!

She has to go back into hospital tomorrow. She is not happy with this, but hopefully we will get some proper answers and solutions!!

She is back to square one, where she is pretty much vomiting everything she is swallowing again..
I am so sorry to hear this hun, the one (and only) good thing about being in the hospital though is that tests tend to get organised and done quicker and I should think they will need to have her on a drip to stop dehydration if she is not keeping anything in....

Please keep us updated on she is doing.

Based upon everything you said earlier in the thread, I'm not too surprised. It's terrible this happened but at least she's going to (hopefully) get some proper attention now.
Well she has had xrays and CT scans today. Her consultant actually saw her, not one of his registrars! She is having a gastroscopy and flexi test tomorrow.. Hopefully they will work out exactly where her problems are and start trying to sort it out!

Thank you all for your advice and support xx

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