Barium X-ray!

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Oct 14, 2011
Have an appointment for next Friday 28th October for a Barium follow through x-ray.
If anybody has had this...can you tell me if there are any after effects?
I am running a full marathon 3 days later on the 31st. My own research seems to indicate it is not to uncomfortable and therefore should not be a problem in time for my marathon...:)
Any input would be grateful....
Hey Del, the only thing some people have is the barium not going through very well. If they tend to constipate it is really slow. The best thing is water, and more water, and hot clear tea. But other than that piece of cake. Good luck on your marathon too, run for us too :lol:
Thats sounds comforting Pen. I am glad to hear that.
Now this thing you speak of called c-o-n-s-i-p-a-t-i-o-n...I am intrigued...:)
Oh yes!! Now I an old friend I haven't heard of in a long long time...:)
I will run my ass off for all Crohns people the world over..:rof::(:rof:
I just had my first one this morning. Not to rain on your parade, but I'm not feeling to hot (well, not that I am ever feeling very "hot" these days). The barium raced through my stomach and first part of the small bowel, then slowed way down. I had to keep drinking more barium and more barium and lots of waiting. They eventually gave me another contrast (can't remember what it is called) that caused diarrhea (just what I need!). That moved things along. I tried to go to work afterwards, but I started getting horrible abdominal cramping and am now laying on my couch with a heating pad on my stomach. Hopefully my issues are being caused by the other contrast and you have better luck than I! It has also just been a few hours for me, so maybe in another 3 days I will be marathon ready! (haha)
You feel kinda crampy after and keep pooping out this white liquid..but it shouldn't last for more than a day or so. The test itself is uncomfortable cause you are forced to keep drinking all that crap but once it's over nothing too bad. Good luck on your marathon!
It has also just been a few hours for me, so maybe in another 3 days I will be marathon ready!
Thanks for that Akcat and I hope by the time your reading this post you are feeling much better.
You feel kinda crampy after and keep pooping out this white liquid..
Yeah! I hear you kind of crap like a birdy for a while afterwards...but that should settle down..
Plenty of water appears to be the best way forward.
I felt fine after mine. Just make sure you have plenty toilet cleaning materials!! That stuff sets like cement. Flushing some buckets of hot water down the loo helps shift it.
Well done you and enjoy the marathon :)
I felt queezy afterwards and had a metalic taste in my mouth. Definately stay hydrated as it really will dry you up, but I wsas fine after a day. Oh and it's pretty awful to drink, but the good news is you have a time limit in which to get it down, so you have to keep sipping, sipping sipping till it's gone. Good luck on your run!
Well that was a piece of cake..:)
Only took about an hour or so.....
It obviously went through my system fairly lively....No complaints here...
Hope it helps the GI when he sees it..
See I told you it was a piece of cake. Mind over matter, I dont have a mind so it doesn't matter. :ylol:
I recall when having a barium x-ray being repeatedly warmed by nurses that it can cause severe constipation. They seemed a bit surprised by my response that if true, I would be back for barium drinks several times a week. Constipation, the dream disease if you ask me.

Best of luck with the marathon.
By the time I drank the second glass..I could feel my tummy wanting to expel the first glass...:)
After they took the second round of images...the nurse said thats it..
No kidding...I couldn't wait to find a bathroom..:)

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