Belly Pain

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 22, 2011
So tonight K is complaining of belly pain. She says it doesn't hurt when she is laying down but anytime she moves it hurts. When she walks she can't stand up straight. It's right around her belly button and a little tender on the left side. She is a little congested too. Is there something that I should keep an eye out for? Am I just being too paranoid?

Thanks for all your thoughts
Hey Jenny, I think all our kids warrant extra caution! Pain in specific areas can indicate serious problems or could just be a normal stomach ache. I hope it's nothing but if it persists get her checked out!
No such thing as paranoia here!

I may well be way off the mark here Jenny but the symptoms you have mentioned are what Matt had with his abscess, except his pain was toward the right...laying still with right leg flexed, no pain. Unable to stand up straight when walking. As I said, it may have nothing to do with an abscess but I would check for fever and if the pain persists and isn't relieved by something simple like Panadol I think she should be checked out by the doc. I know our kids are tough and put up with a lot of pain but at the end of the day pain like this isn't normal...actually a bit of a benchmark I use is...if one of my kids comes to me complaining of pain then it is something I should be concerned about. I reckon you all know what I mean.

Please keep us posted hun and good luck!

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Hi, Jenny : )
What's the lastest? Is K's pain gone away, or did you take her in to be seen?
I'll be praying that all is better.
By the way, I can't wait to meet up for bowling and camp talk with the girls!

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