Birth Control- 2014

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 14, 2013
Hey ladies,

Just wondering if anyone has experienced a strong correlation between birth control and increase in Crohn's cramps. I am convinced nuvaring and other birth controls were major causes in my diagnosis of Crohn's back in 2008. Every time I go back on birth control to try it out again, sure enough, my cramps become worse.

I feel like I'm the only one who has this problem, and would love to know I'm not alone.
Actually, I experienced the opposite. I have many more symptoms (some seem to be related to Crohn's and others to endometriosis, but as there's a lot of overlap in the symptoms, they could possibly be entirely one or the other) without birth control. However, cramps can be a side effect of birth control. This would be entirely unrelated to Crohn's. This page lists stomach pain (also nausea) as possible side effects of birth control.

How long do you stick with the birth control before stopping because of the cramps?
The cramps are definitely crohn's cramps. i haven't had any unique stomach pain, or nausea for that matter. it's like the birth control amplifies the same kind of cramps i already have from crohn's.

this round, i only kept on it about a month and a half before going off. shortly after stopping, my cramps subsided and i am much better now. i cannot deny the correlation, even though doctors and studies have not proven it.
My Crohn's pain and cramps are incredibly similar - they're in the same location and feel generally the same, only the Crohn's pain is more severe and usually has other symptoms along with it.

Have you ever had your hormone levels checked? Crohn's can be effected by hormones, so my only guess is that your levels may naturally be low, and the increase aggravates your symptoms. However, this is just a wild guess.
I am actually getting my hormones tested this week! I'll let you know if something abnormal comes up. Thanks for responding!
I was on the nuvaring for a year, I strongly believe it caused my crohns. ive been healthy my whole life and never had trouble on the pill. I was on the mirena for a year and had pain issues so I swiched to the nuvaring, a year later I was in the hospital with a partial bowel obstruction. I linked it to the breast lumps, asthma, and pre cancerous cervical cells im left to deal with not to mention it effected me mentally until I wasn't myself anymore. im struggling to get back to normal and still have crohns. I read a rare side effect was bowel inflammation which I believe if untreated can lead to crohns which is how I think I developed it since I have no family history of IBD in my family. im still devastated and trying to cope with all my new health issues but I really do agree with you!!!

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