Birth month and crohns

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my little penguin

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Apr 15, 2012
RESULTS: Approximately 27.0% of cases were born from April through June, compared with 25.6% of controls (odds ratio, 1.07; 95% confidence interval, 1.02-1.12; P = .002). Comparisons made by sex (male vs female) and type of IBD (ulcerative colitis vs Crohn's disease) showed statistical significance only for men with Crohn's disease (odds ratio, 1.13; 95% confidence interval, 1.03-1.25; P = .009). At ages 6 months and older, cases and controls born from April through June received a significantly greater number of prescriptions for antibiotics than cases and controls born in other months.

CONCLUSIONS: Men with Crohn's disease are more likely to have been born in the months of April through June

Nope my kiddo was a winter baby
No abx at all till almost age 5
So apparently he didn't get that memo either
Hmm, no memo here for either hubby or son, hubs is August and son is July. My second son is April but no IBD there.
June birth for my son (Crohn's). Also June birth for daughter (elevated calprotectin - in the process of exploring further). Hmmmmm.
Well there ya have it! I have females with Crohn's so of course they were born in September and October!:lol2:
:lol: I have a December daughter (IBD) and a September daughter (no IBD). Husband is born in April, has AS but no IBD!
It's not necessarily the month per say
But babies have mom's immune system for 6 months
So these babies basically get sick ( after 6 months)
And have abx early .
Because they are 6-7 months in the cold and flu season ;)
Interesting take on it. I don't remember my girls getting much antibiotics their first year, but J did have a foreign body in her nose that we thought was a nasty sinus infection for several rounds as a toddler. Thankfully she finally sneezed it out!
Yeah ^^^ that
Baby Girls have a higher survival rate for most infant diseases including premature babies
( survival of the species if you read genetic fluff) ;)
I'm an October baby but hopefully this holds no weight as my son will be born end of April or early May.
Crohn's girl October baby.

This would be more interesting as a poll. Anybody savvy enough to make one that separated boys/girls and each month of the year?
You would also need to separate seasons of year.

All girls here

August baby here (end of winter)

2 without IBD, December (summer) and March (start of Autumn)
Mine had first ABX while we were pursuing diagnosis at age 3. The ABX really messed her up at that point when she was in full flare but nobody knew. Anyway, none prior to onset. So, we're outside the box too.
This is interesting. Dd was born in December but tested positive for influenza (after getting the vaccine-which we no longer give). While she wasn't treated for influenza (quick test was negative and results came after a weekend of full blown influenza), she ended up with thrush which did require abx.
I'd think winter babies would be more likely, less Vitamin D? Anyway, December here. And ABX nearly every month the first year for ear infections.

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