Bleeding on stool

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Aug 4, 2014
hi im 15 so i was diagnosed with crohns 2 months ago i had symptoms of blood on the stool and had bad pain when i went. i had a colonoscopy and blood tests and i had inflammation a anal fissure and stomach ulcers and im lactose intolerant now. i am taking prednisone 30 mg and lanzoprazole 30 mg for about a month now and im about to be off it in a couple of days because the gi said he doesnt want me to keep me on steroids due to my age. i have developed a reaction to it likelots of acne on my back and neck and some on my arms but he said it is common and it will go away. he was going to put me on remicade but i had an MRI done and everthing turned out to be ok so he decided to put me on methotrexate and folid acid 1 mg tablets once a day with the methotrexate pills once a week ( 25 mg). before i was diagnosed i was on miralax for a month or two to soften my stools ( i have constipation(1-2 days for bm sometimes 3 without miralax) instead of diarhhea) on the steroids my pain has stopped and i am on a special diet ( low fiber, SCD) but the dietrician said i could eat white pasta and grains just not whole grain but i have stopped eating certain foods on SCD and started buying non processed foods and snacks at like whole foods and everything i eat now is steamed. the pain has gone away from the BMS even when i ditched miralax for a couple of days but when i am off miralax my stool is big to pass and it comes out in small pieces and sometimes big pieces with streaks of red blood but there is no pain and i need to take miralax. even with miralax i sometimes get red blood and it looks fresh and sometimes specks of black but that is rare. Is this due the anal fissure not healed? And is the constipation going to go away? I dont want to stay on miralax since ive heard its actually bad for you for long term and i have heard that methotexrtate takes a couple weeks to start effect? Somestimes i also get mucus in the stool but small amounts and rare and i have seem to have a mild form of the disease since people on these forums have way scarier experiences and i only experience my symptoms when im passing a bm i dont have stomach pains but i do have lots of flatulence but probably from miralax and my itching has gone away since steroids and blood is my main concern.
Hi and welcome. It could be a fissure but I think its best to ring the doctors office and see what he/she says. You're newly diagnosed so it is better to play it safe.

Sending you my support.
I agree with Dave and would run it by the GI dr. Like you, I have concerns of long-term Miralax use but it might be needed while the fissure heals. Or, the blood could be due to another reason which is why it's good to get the GI's input.

We were also told it takes a while for methotrexate to work--at least a month, I think.

Welcome and feel free to ask questions. I'm still learning, too. (I'm a parent of a young child with Crohn's.)

Who recommended the diet? Very few drs seem to promote diet changes, but I'm a believer in them as many people with Crohn's and UC feel better on certain diets.

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