Blister on gums??!

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Mar 6, 2014
I have a blister on my gums, it's been there for a couple days... It doesn't hurt, it's really annoying tho! I tried googling it to see what it could be from & Crohn's disease was one of the things that cause them. Has anyone else had them before? & if so, how do I get rid of them?! Or how long do they last?!
Yep, that just happens sometimes with Crohn's. I usually get them on the inside of my lips or cheeks (or tongue) though. They usually disappear after a few days, and otherwise when I was a kid I was always told to put baking soda or salt on them.
I get sores in my mouth periodically and was told by my dentist that if they became a problem to come and see him for treatment. I was impressed that a dentist was up on Crohn's disease.

I usually just use a mouthwash to keep my mouth clean. If they hurt I gargle with salt water.
It is so annoying!! I'll try the salt thing... If it doesn't go away in a couple days I'll go to the doc..
Crohn's can cause ulcerations in the mouth. I find warm salt water helpful for the pain like others said but I think they need to run their course. I'm not sure if any treatment exists.
Melly: I'm a dental hygienist and the ulcers that ppl usually get with crohns are aphthous ulcers or canker sores ... And those are usually very painful. The bubble you have may be something else like a mucoseal??? Possibly.... That's a plugged mucous gland. If you indeed have those aphthous ulcers there is a mouthwash(prescription) called magic mouthwash that would help!!!
There is no treatment unfortunately for those sores..they do need to run their course! Usually 7-10 days and they're healed. Magic mouthwash can help make it more comfortable to eat if you're extremely sore!!!
I get mouth ulcers because of my Crohn's. My GI gave me some ointment (Orocort, I think), but it is weird, so I usually just suffer. They only thing that helps me to get rid of them is to get my Crohn's under control. I only get them when in a flare.
I also use Oracort and find it extremely helpful. I put a small dab on the sore before bed, and let the air at it for a few minuted to 'set'. Then no talking, right to sleep. Sooooo much better in the morning, almost gone after 2 nights. Also be gentle when brushing teeth, use Sensodyne toothpaste and no strong minty mouthwashes, as they irritate. I get these all the time, flare or no flare.
I have this at the moment a small blister on the front of my gum above one of my front teeth . Went to dentist and she told me that it was a infection in my tooth and the nerve had died. I am on antibiotics to clear the infection up and then I have to have root canal done : (. I have had crohns symptoms for four years and never had this before now. Not sure what to think about it all.
I'm sure she took an X-ray of the tooth? A bump on the gum above the tooth cam also indicate an infection in the tooth! That bump is a channel for the infection to drain.....I assume u didn't have much pain/discomfort in the tooth??? The only way to solve this issue is to do a root canal!! Or to extract the tooth!!
Well no X-ray was taken thats why I'm unsure . I'm sure she knows what she's doin .
I did have a burning sensation I the tooth for just one night then my upper gum all swoll up for a few days All of this has calmed down apart from the white lump above my tooth. But hopefully the antibiotics will take care of any infection .
What your saying sounds right and hopefully it will all be sorted soon.
My daughter gets ulcers throughout her mouth (gums, tongue, cheeks, lips) and throat when she flares. Hers go away as the inflammation recedes.

The ones on her lips, tongue and soft tissue heal the quickest but the ones in the roof of her mouth take the longest to clear up.