Blood Only w/No Feces?

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Sep 26, 2010
For the last week, everyday that I go to the restroom, it is nothing but blood and no feces. Would this be normal for Crohn's or not? I don't have any pain in my tummy, just feel real bloated. Sorry to be so blunt, but I don't see any other way to explain or ask my question.:)
I don't think that's normal for any condition, and I would get it checked out.

Separately, it's not normal to be excreting blood every day for a week (I assume you mean bright red blood, not bowel movements that are black). And it's also not normal to not have any bowel movements for a week (as you say no feces are involved). Again, go get it checked out.

Typically in Crohn's you know there is bleeding happening when you have dark ("black") bowel movements. Bright red blood means bleeding much farther down than where Crohn's symptoms usually present. Bleeding every day, and if it's bright red, could mean a hemorrhoid or a cut or something of that fashion. Someone with UC may be able to weigh in on symptoms more typical for that condition.

Are you constipated? If you are not having bowel movements and are bloated, I would imagine that is a constipation thing.
No I have not been to the ER yet. I know this is ignorant, but I absolutely hate the hospitals around here. The last two times I went to the ER, they kept me for one week each time and I have no insurance and basically all they did was give my Prednisone, Flagyl and Potassium which I could have done at home myself. I am unemployed which makes it even harder for me and I can't seem to find any kind of help with medical finances. It is very hard to hold a job when your in the bathroom two dozen times a day which I'm sure you understand.
Yes I know black stool means your having bleeding, but I take iron everyday, so when I do have a bowel movement, it is black because of the iron, so it is hard to tell most of the time. I'm just so overwhelmed with this because it causes life in general to be such a pain like when you get invited out to eat, or your hubby wants sex, traveling long distances anywhere, etc,etc. Sometimes I am alright with it, but right now, I'm not alright with it. I just wish they had some type of liquid you could drink that would help you absorb your food so everything does not go right through you.
No I have not been to the ER yet. I know this is ignorant, but I absolutely hate the hospitals around here. The last two times I went to the ER, they kept me for one week each time and I have no insurance and basically all they did was give my Prednisone, Flagyl and Potassium which I could have done at home myself.

But were you experiencing the same symptoms as now, blood only for a week seems serious, I would seek help if i was you,

take care

I didn't mean to be short or imply a lack of concern on your part...sorry I didn't fully explain myself...I spent part of this June in the hospital and almost died because of not wanting to go to the E.R. for bleeding..went into shock in the ambulance...four units of packed RBC's to get things headed back my direction...and then a lengthy hospital stay.

I really hope you find help and start feeling better soon...again..sorry for being abrupt.

Having blood and no BMs for a week is a bit worrying. As horrible as going to hospital is, it might save you problems in the long run. Active inflammation causes scarring which is irreversible, you're much better off getting it sorted out now rather than waiting to see how it goes.
Take care :hug:
If you don't want to go to the ER or the hospital, maybe try just going to the doctor instead of the ER? They can do a stool culture if nothing else, which it sounds like in your case would be valuable diagnostically.

When I do have a bowel movement, it is black because of the iron, so it is hard to tell most of the time.

So in your original post, how do you know it's blood and not feces? From my perspective it sounds like you *are* having bowel movements, and you can't tell if there is blood or not because you are taking iron. Am I missing something?

Sorry you're not feeling well and I hope you get it figured out. But not doing anything is not going to help. Although you're always welcome to vent.
No I had alot of pain in my tummy and the runs with just a little bit of blood.

ok so that suggests to me that they'll treat you differently this time, the previous treatments haven't exactly worked for you and your symptoms are if anything much worse.

Everyone responding is in agreement that you need a Doctor to check you out.

I'm sure if you get the right treatment you'll feel much better.


Ive had times when I go to the toilet and all that comes out is blood. Due to having crohns/UC in the rectum area Ive been told.

But not to have any BM for a week sounds very bad. Im guessing you are eating? If so sounds like a blockage to me and should be looked at asap
Thanks so much to everyone's response. I truly appreciate it. Until I found this forum, I had nobody to talk to about this. I guess I need to call the doctor then. I know I don't have any feces because when I wipe, it is all bright red blood with some small blood clots. There is absolutely no brown what so ever. I have had blood before mixed with feces, but I could see both colors in it.
In response to gringo43, I didn't take you for being short. I completely understand. I"m glad you shared with me what you did because now I think I should go see my regular doctor. I'm not real fond of my gastro doctor only because he is always in the biggest hurry you could ever imagine and doesn't always listen to what you tell him. I personally think he is only interested in making the money fast and going on to the next patient. I want to find a different gastro doctor, but I will have to go to another town because we only have one here where I live. I also remember when I was first diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis back in 2006 before I knew I had Crohn's and I had a colonoscopy done, afterwards my gastro doctor came in and said you have some polyps but I didn't remove them. I asked why and he said he didn't think he needed to. Well, from what I have read doing my research, I understand that polyps can turn into cancer if your not careful which had me very concerned. That is another thing that made me want to find another doctor. Anyways, I will get it checked out and let everyone know what happened. Thanks a bunch:>)
Ive had times when I go to the toilet and all that comes out is blood. Due to having crohns/UC in the rectum area Ive been told.

But not to have any BM for a week sounds very bad. Im guessing you are eating? If so sounds like a blockage to me and should be looked at asap

Oh yes, I eat like a horse all the times. Small meals of course. I remember as a child being constipated all the time and my Mom was so poor with so many kids, she never took me to the doctor which may have prevented all of this in the first place, but that is besides the point right now, but she would just give me an exlax so I could go to the bathroom.
If you or anyone else is refusing to go the the ER or doctor of any kind, please call them (the hospital or doctors office) and ask them what sort of public assistance they know of for people who are either low income or unemployed. They know who you can contact and will even give you the phone number to apply or if it's the ER, they will ask that you just come in and they'll hand you all the paperwork/information you need to apply. Everyone who is low/no income in the US can apply for SSI to try and get the free health insurance like Medi-cal but that's not your only option. I know here in California we also have CMSP for those who do not qualify for Medi-cal. Other states have their own health assistance programs for those in need. Sickofsick, you are in need. And as has been said, no, what you described is not normal and isn't a good sign. I really hope you get it checked out soon and if you do contact your doctor, please let them know that it's urgent (no bowel movements and only blood for a week) so you can be seen as soon as possible.
I know it's been a few days since you posted, but I hope you were seen for these symptoms. They sound very worrying. When I had these symptoms, I had a very serious bacterial infection along with Crohn's.

Hope things are looking better.
when I'm in a flare it appears to be blood only, and very often there is not pain associated with it.
I bleed alot when I'm flaring, this past summer was bad, I needed 3 blood transfusions over the course of 4 months.
Hiya SOS

Just to concur with everyone too, without harping on about it, you'll know what to do.
But something to consider about bleeding without poo, other than transient blood from a hemmie, is diverticular disease of the colon.
hope you get some answers soon
let us know how you get on
I too can have lot of blood without any identifiable feces for what can seem like many days or weeks on end. I can end up passing just blood and mucous more than 10 times a day but never be able to feel evacuated. I've learned that When I have a lot of rectal inflammation nothing will get through but blood and mucous. It a horrible feeling but has never become emergent. I think it's because some feces is getting through in liquid form even though it doesn't see like it. Miralax can help temporarily but the best longer term fix for me are (unfortunately) are either cortisone or Mesalamine enemas. Not fun but hang in there!

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