Blood Pressure

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Feb 17, 2013
A is having her infusion and her BP seems pretty low to me. I realize the medication can drop it some, but wondering how low is too low. Hers was 78/45 then 75/48. The nurse says since she feels fine there's no need to worry. Just curious what your experiences have been....
She's well hydrated. She drinks tons of water plus gets saline prior to infusion to prevent aseptic meningitis. I know the medication tends to lower the BP some, just wondering how low is too low I guess. Just read 122/92....
Depends on how she usually runs I guess...That is T's BP all the time. It always gets flag in the hospital computer but no docs or nurses have ever worried about it. They always say, "well she looks fine to me".

Also wanted to add she is pretty athletic so that might be it least that is what they say about T. O runs low as well. I do to come to think of it but am in no way athletic.
Yeah that's low but as log as she feels good I wouldn't be too concerned. I usually run at about 98/55 during infusions but I have been told smaller generally equals lower BP so I'm guessing the nurse figures for children it's not unusual.
We're home now and she's very lethargic (which isn't totally out of the norm after an infusion) and short of breath (used her inhaler 3x). She's drinking lots of water and I'm keeping a close eye on her.
My daughter also has a low BP but not that low - usually 90/60. Her doctors are not concerned about it.

I hope A feels better :ghug:.
Grace's is that low if not a tad lower.
We're at infusions right now at her BP is the highest it's been at 109/70. She had to get poked twice, so I think that's why it's high.
We're home now and she's very lethargic (which isn't totally out of the norm after an infusion) and short of breath (used her inhaler 3x). She's drinking lots of water and I'm keeping a close eye on her.

Did this resolve after rest? Any updates. I hope she did fine.
Turned out to be infusion side effects. She just kept drinking water and felt better the next day. I'd love for her to try subQ infusions but she's still resistant.

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