oh dear, that sounds awful
does your doc/consultant know you are passing blood?
if not, i think even just a phone call if you can't get an appointment today, would be prudent... just to inform someone what's happened.
but - i would suggest that if you have bleeding again today like you've had this morning, definitely get yourself to the doctor.
if it seems to be a one-off or just a morning occurance, try and get your diet reduced right down to soft or prefably liquid substances only.. the less hard and fibrous food passing through you right now the better. sometimes when Crohn's really flares like this we have to learn to manage things ourselves, and imagine if you were in hospital and had the same as you went through this morning - they'd most probably put you on nil by mouth, or fluids only. so it's really worth a try giving your intestines as much rest as you can, but making sure you get nutrients at the same time.
there's a lot of dietary advice here in various threads, low residue diet is one search item you could look for, also you could try those build-up drinks like Ensure.
but - please - if you bleed again today, tell someone.