Blood work-- reliable?

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Maybe one of the forum monitors could help you. I didn't want you to think no one is listening.

I can just tell you about myself. There are some lab values that can help the diagnosis, but not definitively. Maybe there is a test I don't know about yet. Most diagnosis are made with actual viewing, X Ray, MRI and so forth. Lab tests are helpful though to start the process.

But what the heck do I know.... Maybe the Doc is giving you what they call a " working diagnosis."

Anyway, I bet someone that knows a lot more than I do will jump in here for you. I bet they will

Good luck, and I will look for your posts for updates.
A blood test alone cannot provide a conclusive diagnosis. The correct way to diagnose Crohn's is via a colonoscopy, an endoscopy and biopsies of tissue samples from both scopes in combination with a differential diagnosis taking your symptoms and blood tests (inflammation markers like CPR) into account.

I would see another GI to confirm the diagnosis.
A blood test alone cannot provide a conclusive diagnosis. The correct way to diagnose Crohn's is via a colonoscopy, an endoscopy and biopsies of tissue samples from both scopes in combination with a differential diagnosis taking your symptoms and blood tests (inflammation markers like CPR) into account.

I would see another GI to confirm the diagnosis.

I agree. I would question the diagnosis and at least call the clinic to ask more questions. Here is a website with more info for you to help. Good luck & take care.
Blood work is really only part of the diagnosis, as the others have said. However, recently there have been blood tests developed that are more accurate for diagnosis. Prometheus labs has a Crohn's Prognostic test that uses a bunch of different markers and a genetic test to diagnose for Crohn's. I'll post the link here

I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2004 by regular blood tests and colonoscopy. Then they did the Prometheus blood test last year and it confirmed Crohn's.
Blood tests only help to guide the doctors in the right direction. Scopes and biopsies are needed to diagnose definitely. Are they scheduling these for you? Have you already had any done?

The Prometheus test is definitely useful, but is a relatively new test and certainly not the most reliable. However, false negatives are more likely than false positives.
I doubt in the all kinds of tests i walked sinds 2009 with alot pain and losing alot blood there is 8 Scopse done incl biopsies, CT scan, MRI scan, Blood sample tests and echo, in 5 different hospitals.
Non of them gives me a clear view wath i suffer i know its one of them but wich so i can get a proper treadment sinds i cannot handle any medication of the diseases there is only a surgery left but without a good result i don't do.

My disease is in the big colon but very small spots also found in tiny by the spitting point to the big intestine. but thats from 2 tests rest of the tests all in the big colon spotted actief disease.

I dont know if there is a 100% for this i read and hear so much things, i serious doubt about all tests now.
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