My daughter has been having some issues I mentioned in another post. Butt pain, belly bloat, "itchy" hands and feet, burning hand. She saw her GI last week and he did an Xray to be sure her cecostomy flush was working and there was no blockage. Her belly was a bit hard. He also ordered some stool tests for infection, white blood cells and blood. I don't think I could tell if she had blood in her stools because there is so much food in her stools. This has increased also. The xray came back normal so no bockage but he now has ordered blood work. I don't know what tests yet because he's sending the script in the mail. Does this sound like it will help us to know if she's having a flare of Crohns? What blood work do some of you have to determine if i's a flare. She's been on ASacol(Delzico now) since her diagnosis almost 3 years ago and hasn't had a flare.