Hi all,
I think I have originally posted this in the wrong section (and can't find how to delete it? :frown: Does anyone know how to do this? Sorry!)
I'm currently in the process of being diagnosed with what my GP believes to be Crohn's. He's done all of the testing he can do & has furthered me on to the hospital system to get me an appointment with a gastroenterology specialist.
After a few months of waiting, my appointment is now in 2 days time.
I am having issues with my BMs - they've been getting increasingly skinnier over the past couple of days & I am unsure whether to head to the ER or wait to see what the specialist thinks in 2 days time. Please note that this appointment will be my first, therefore it will be a consult & I assume nothing will actually be done on this day.
I first noticed 5/6 days ago that my BMs had become less frequent, despite no change in diet. I didn't think too much of it until I noticed that my stool was quite small in size compared to normal. It would have been around the size of my index finger and a hard consistency. I assumed I must have had some kind of blockage, so I took Movicol as directed by my GP a few months back.
My BMs went from hard to a medium consistency, however continued to get skinnier. They went from index finger size, to pinky size. I then experienced difficulties passing anything, and with a little help from a cup of tea, I was able to pass a very small, pencil thin stool last night.
I hadn't had any movements yesterday, despite eating foods which would usually have a laxative effect on me. Throughout the day I felt bloating, waves of nausea, pain throughout my lower stomach (localised more to the left and bottom right hand sides), a cramping feeling like urgency of needing to go to the toilet, and a burning sensation up and down my oesophagus as if I needed to vomit.
By 6pm I was feeling quite over this and decided to try and see if I could speed things up with a tea (this usually has a laxative effect on me). 10 mins later I was able to pass 1 very small and pencil thin stool. This did not relieve my discomfort. I called a health help line we have in Australia which you can call if you're not sure whether to go to ER. The nurse suggested that while this isn't normal, I shouldn't proceed to the ER until my stomach cramping is extreme, I pass blood or I stop passing all together.
Flash forward to the next morning, I've had a restless sleep, my stomach is making noises so loud it sounds like like it's trying to speak whale and I feel like I need to go to the toilet still. Nothing is coming out at all and the discomfort is now so bad that I am walking half folded over to ease the pain that I have on the left hand side of my stomach.
I am not in extreme pain, which is why I am asking here rather than going to the ER. If I do experience enough pain, I will go, however I would love to hear if anyone else has experienced this before. I am not sure if I should try drinking another tea to see if it will encourage another BM or if I should wait & see how it unfolds naturally..
I think I have originally posted this in the wrong section (and can't find how to delete it? :frown: Does anyone know how to do this? Sorry!)
I'm currently in the process of being diagnosed with what my GP believes to be Crohn's. He's done all of the testing he can do & has furthered me on to the hospital system to get me an appointment with a gastroenterology specialist.
After a few months of waiting, my appointment is now in 2 days time.
I am having issues with my BMs - they've been getting increasingly skinnier over the past couple of days & I am unsure whether to head to the ER or wait to see what the specialist thinks in 2 days time. Please note that this appointment will be my first, therefore it will be a consult & I assume nothing will actually be done on this day.
I first noticed 5/6 days ago that my BMs had become less frequent, despite no change in diet. I didn't think too much of it until I noticed that my stool was quite small in size compared to normal. It would have been around the size of my index finger and a hard consistency. I assumed I must have had some kind of blockage, so I took Movicol as directed by my GP a few months back.
My BMs went from hard to a medium consistency, however continued to get skinnier. They went from index finger size, to pinky size. I then experienced difficulties passing anything, and with a little help from a cup of tea, I was able to pass a very small, pencil thin stool last night.
I hadn't had any movements yesterday, despite eating foods which would usually have a laxative effect on me. Throughout the day I felt bloating, waves of nausea, pain throughout my lower stomach (localised more to the left and bottom right hand sides), a cramping feeling like urgency of needing to go to the toilet, and a burning sensation up and down my oesophagus as if I needed to vomit.
By 6pm I was feeling quite over this and decided to try and see if I could speed things up with a tea (this usually has a laxative effect on me). 10 mins later I was able to pass 1 very small and pencil thin stool. This did not relieve my discomfort. I called a health help line we have in Australia which you can call if you're not sure whether to go to ER. The nurse suggested that while this isn't normal, I shouldn't proceed to the ER until my stomach cramping is extreme, I pass blood or I stop passing all together.
Flash forward to the next morning, I've had a restless sleep, my stomach is making noises so loud it sounds like like it's trying to speak whale and I feel like I need to go to the toilet still. Nothing is coming out at all and the discomfort is now so bad that I am walking half folded over to ease the pain that I have on the left hand side of my stomach.
I am not in extreme pain, which is why I am asking here rather than going to the ER. If I do experience enough pain, I will go, however I would love to hear if anyone else has experienced this before. I am not sure if I should try drinking another tea to see if it will encourage another BM or if I should wait & see how it unfolds naturally..