Bottom healing?

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wears odd socks
Apr 23, 2007
Hello all!
I'm just about 6 months post surgery now, and my bum is STILL HEALING!! I had a panproctocolectomy and everything else is great! But my bum still leaks and is really quite painful to sit on! I was just wondering how long it took peoples bums to heal totally??
I start a new job next week and really want it to be a painless as possible!
Thanks :)
Hi Vicky - Is your bum sewn up for good? Or is it still open for potential reversal? Either way, it seems like it shouldn't still hurt so best to talk to your doc and have them take a look to make sure everything is okay down there.

Mine is sewn up for good and it was about 6-8 weeks till it was completely healed.

- Amy
Hi Vicky,

As Amy asked is it sewn up, or is it a wound that was open and packed each day in order to heal? Mine was sealed up and after a week or so the bleeding stopped so I guess I got lucky there.

I've heard rectal wound healing taking quite some time in some people. When was the last time you saw your surgeon? Possibly worth giving their team a ring to set up and appointment to get it looked at as there may be something they can do.

Hope something helps,

Gav :)
Hi guys thanks for the replies.
Yeah its been sewn up for good, it had shrunk a lot, it was a bit of a cave to start with! I know ive already had a bit of infection in it and i took antibiotics to get that to settle.
Ive tried getting an appointment with my surgeon but the clinic is running 2 months behind. I was supposed to see him last month and ive just got my appointment through for November :( I saw the nurse at my GP's last week, she said she didnt think it looked infected but she said it does look painful.
I always had a lot of problems down there, so i suppose its just gonna take a while! :(
Vicky, I saw my GI last week. He gave me a card with a number on it to ring if I was flaring so I could get in quicker. I am wondering if you could ring your IBD nurse and get that moved up a bit? I bet they would. Especially considering all the trouble you've had in the past with your bum and the healing time involved. Can you give it a try? IBD nurses are bolshy..they will barge right into the surgeons office. (good on them!)

Dont wait and worry and be in pain. You are so deserving of faster treatment lovely!
Hi Vicky! I'm on the hunt for people having trouble healing from their panproctocolectomy like I am. You are not alone! It's been a year and 3 months since the initial removal of everything, and 3 weeks since my second surgery to clean out the old tissue and sew it up again.
The whole time it looked like everything was healing great after a year had passed but I still had what looked like little ulcers and was bleeding and draining always. So finally they poked at the ulcer and realized it was actually a deep hole. Went all the way to my vaginal wall. So now, 3 weeks after the second surgery and still draining, stinky and is most likely infected. Anyways, the reason i'm telling you this is because my doc asked me 6 months after if I wanted him to go back in there and try again. He told me some people take a year to heal so I waited. I just hope I don't have to wait another year. The first year was pretty easy I guess because life is so great with my stoma. I just wish I would have had him do it when he asked me before. My Crohn's was also always really bad down there. Uhg I hope we both heal soon! I would take that 2 month away appointment and get on the cancellation list. The first year is cake but man it starts to feel hopeless after that for me anyways :( Good luck to you!
I had my surgery 4 months ago. The backside healed up very quickly, but recently began draining a little (with bad odor). Saw a surgeon - he said hair had grown in there, he yanked it out (ouch), and then said it seems like a sinus tract or fistula - not sure - suggested a fistulogram - I really don't want to do that.

Anyone encountered this?


I had a panproctocolectomy with excision of the anal canal. The gaping hole where the anus was was packed and took about 12 months to heal up. According to my surgeon some of these wounds never fully heal up. They almost heal but apparently in some people they don't quite heal up completely.

The fistula sites on my bum continued to drain for about 18 months! They have finally healed up.

Good look guys and happy christmas.

ps hot salt baths and squirting the shower head up your bum gives some temporary relief!

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