Bowel movements irritation 1 year post resection

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Jul 24, 2012
This is the only forum that such a question can be asked. With that said please excuse me in advance.

I had a right extended hemacolectomy last year. And ever since I've been dealing with a problem and I want to know how others deal with it on this forum. Sometimes bowel movements create such an irritation around the anus that I have found using baby wipes is my only recourse if not it feels like sandpaper down there and very uncomfortable. Is this the new norm after losing my cecum ascending colon and part of my transverse colon? I wonder as a famous doctor told me "your quality of life won't change." I guess this is because of the part of the digestive track that is missing.
Do any of you guys understand what I'm referring to? It's just old now, but it's not like I have a choice.
Are you dealing with fissures or anything like that? Wonder if sitz baths might help with irrigation? You could also use penitan cream (for diaper rash). How many times are you going in a day?
I'm going around 5 or six times a day. No fissures or I'd jump on a plane to my doctor who saved my life in Chicago and say "fix it!" Lol I just figured since the stool was liquidy, more acidic kind of or just bile it hurts and irritates that area.

I work for a major software company and going g to the bathroom with "baby wipes" is uhm embarrassing. :( I'm obvious not a women so a purse won't work. :p :):)
You're probably right. Get some diaper rash cream. That should work well.

Good luck.
Lol, Scaryman, you'll just have to get a manbag! But seriously, I am a year and a half post resection and in remission. I lost my cecum and IC valve too. I find that I have issues with frequency and urgency if I eat the wrong things - mainly foods high in fat and sugar. Have you asked your docs for something? There is Questran or some people take a natural remedy Psyllium Husk.
Scary man you can buy portable or travel pack baby wipes and keep it in your pocket. Nobody will know or just keep it in your desk and put it in your pocket when you go.
I had the same issue after my resection. I couldn't absorb bile anymore and it caused a hell of a burn in the nether regions. The doctor put me on clorestramine and I have not had an issue since. Perhaps this is the same for you? I know how dreadfully uncomfortable that can be. I even got to the point I was bleeding.
I haven't had a resection, but am on sulfasalazine as maintenance Rx. My Crohn's colitis is under control, but I do find after a bathroom visit(currently a formed offering!!!) that the perinatal area is very easily irritated, despite wiping very carefully! Flushable wipes seem to help - then pat dry with some loo paper.. Maybe put a packet in your jeans pocket.. Pretend they're tissues and say you've got a cold!!

Soft zinc cream is my recourse and it soothes very quickly.
I am just recovering from similar surgery and enduring various ups and downs with
erratic bowel movements.,ranging from 0 to 6 times a day.,sometimes urgency most times not.
Never know what to expect.
It will take time to get into a more normal pattern but the surgeons say it will happen.
Patience is a virtue--------
Feel better soon
Thanks guys, I know all about the bleeding when your wiping. I've asked my Doctors about this and they did mention diaper rash cream used on babies works. Thanks for the input.
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