Hi everyone! I have been a regular reader of the forum and this is my very first post. I am looking for a new GI, specific to IBD. I am needing someone who is willing to treat my disease, conditions related to the disease and willing to fill out employer documentation such as FMLA and ADA accommodation request. I was DX in 2004, however I believe I have had this disease since being a young teen. I followed dr recommendations and medicine regime until I became unemployed. I was able to go back under his care the beginning of this year. Recent colonoscopy shows the disease is active in the terminal ileum. Due to failure of completing FMLA paperwork timely resulted in denial then approval of 2 days/appointments per year. My recent request for a work accommodation was denied due to provider not willing to fill out the paperwork. I am about to face corrective action and was dx with possible gout of the wrist this evening. If it is not gout I am almost positive it is crohns related. To make a long story short... Instead of being supported my current dr (really shouldn't say dr...more like nurse and administrative personal) has only added to the stress I have been under to keep my job. I have to work no question about that. Is there anyone here who can recommend a goog IBD group including nurses and compliant with employer request for medical information? I am in the Dallas area.