I was talking to a friend of mine and she told me about this special diet that is suppose to be very helpful for all kinds of digestive disorders including crohns and UC. It is called Bracso broth. You are suppose to take chicken and chicken bones( feet) and cook them for over 12 hours to get the cologen and marrow out of them. This is suppose to have very strong healing agents for the intestines and stomach. I was reading a story about this man named Jordin Rubin who had severe crohns and he cured himself with this special diet with the broth and also by eating a special diet of raw dairy and foods. I just thougt I would pass it along. The website is
There may be other sites you can read up on concerning the broth and how to make it, you could just google it. I am thinking about doing it. What have I got to loose right? Just thought I would share.
There may be other sites you can read up on concerning the broth and how to make it, you could just google it. I am thinking about doing it. What have I got to loose right? Just thought I would share.