Breast Calcifications

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Cross-stitch gal

Dec 25, 2011
Vancouver, USA
Hi. I started getting mammograms in 2013 because my OB/GYN found hard spots when she was examining my ****s. Come to find out that I have calcifications in both breasts. Today I got a mammogram along with an ultrasound because the doctor who read my pictures has found that the calcification in my left one has spread or grown. Sometime in the near future I have to have a biopsy to have the spot checked.

I was wondering if any of you happen to have these as well. If so, have you had a biopsy? I would like to hear your experiences if possible.
Thank you. :hug:
I don't have any experience to offer you, just wanted to send you my support, hoping it turns out to be nothing to worry about. My inbox is always open if you need to talk lovely.
Thank you valley! I'm scheduled to have the biopsy on 10/29. I've been one of the blessed ones to never as yet to have any surgeries, so am a bit nervous. This is why I turned to you guys. Thanks for the support. Will keep you updated. :hug:
I get so confused with the way you guys write dates, did you have your scope already? Hoping all goes well for your biopsies, your in my thoughts!
Sending you lots of love and support! :heart:

Good luck with everything Cross-stitch gal! Make sure to let us know what happens. Hope the colonoscopy went well. Thinking of you. :hug:
Sorry Valleysangel! :( Yes, I had my colonoscopy last Thursday Nov 6th. My breast biopsy is Wednesday Dec 3rd.

Thanks CrohnsChicago! Will sure keep you guys updated. It'd make things a little easier though if I knew whether I was going to need an extra day off work or not. I have tue, wed & thur off. Be nice to know ahead of time if I could let my bosses know to prepare them...
I'm with you now :).. How did it go?

I'm with CrohnsChicago, take the extra day, the more time you have the better :)
I work retail and Dec is the busiest time of the year. That's why I'm anxious about possibly needing the time off.

No inflammation was found from both the biopsy and the colonoscopy, no cancer, no nothing. Doctor thinks I have UC as I originally was diagnosed with. But, with me supposedly not flaring he can't tell for sure if I have UP or Crohn's. So, we're sticking with UC which is fine with me. He still wants me to do another one in 2 years. However, at that time it'll be 20 years since I was first diagnosed. So, I kinda understand.

He called me this morning to confirm the info and woke me up, so I'm a little surprised I remember as much as I do!!!
Well. Tomorrow is the big day for the biopsy. Today we're getting everthing sanitized and ready. I'm all preregistered, so now's just the waiting game. Will let you guys know how things go...
Thanks Ladies! :) Just returned home. It was quite the ordeal since I'm so small, but we made it through. No surgery today. We did a series of mammograms and the biopsy. I'm a bit sore and should be kinda bruised up for awhile. However, should know the results in a couple days. The calcifications were moving around to make things hard on them, so I'm thinking it's not cancerous and no surgeries.

Now onto eating something and maybe having a nap!
Sorry to hear it was an ordeal, I can't imagine what it must be like. Rest up and take care of yourself!
One of the nurses said that mine is the hardest one she's done in the 7 years she's been there. At one point there was 3 or 4 nurses in there working on me plus the doctor. They really thanked me for being so patient and told me that if there was an award for the best one they had I'd be the one to get it.

There was this table that had a hole in it that I had to fit my **** into for the biopsy & they took a few pictures while it was there too. I had to stay really still while they positioned me this way and that along with measuring the calcifications. I got down there around 9am and was supposed to only be there for a little over an hour. But, it took (I believe) almost 3 hours to finally be done between that and 2 sets of mammograms on the same side. It took so long that my poor husband was worried something had happened to me. But, they finally got a hold of him to let him know what happened and all the info. They put a marker in me to mark the spot to make things easier in case they need to take care of me again.
Oh sweetie that sounds dreadful. I'm glad it's all over. Well done you for holding out. Remember I'm only an inbox away. Sending cwtchs! (Welsh hugs, we have our own for special people ;))
Thanks :) I figured you guys would be interested in all the info. Plus, if anyone ever goes through this it might help to know somebody's already been there. Sending you lots of hugs too Nicola and girls!!! :ghug:
The clinic called with the results yesterday while I was on the road to work and I didn't have my bluetooth on inside the car. I called back and they knew nothing of anyone calling me. So, later I talked with my husband and found out that they had called him once they couldn't get a hold of me.

Everything came out normal and nothing turned out wrong. So, we're going back to my regular schedule of once a year doctor appts with my regular doctor and once a year breast exams/mammograms as normal. Needless to say, it seems like we pretty much did this for nothing. Oh well.

Made it through the day yesterday even though I was in pain. What happened was some of the bandaids/sutures were getting loose and needed to be pulled off. I'm still tender, but hopefully today's better than yesterday.
I'm glad everything turned out to be okay! I know it must be hard feeling like you went through all that for nothing, but at least you know now it's nothing to worry about.

I hope you feel less sore today and have a better day. Make sure you take care
Huzzah for normal results! Very glad to hear all is well.

The test served it's purpose in letting you know you are okay and that you have nothing to worry about. Do you have any additional tests you have to take or was this one it?

Hope the pain and discomfort starts easing up soon.
Sad part is, we knew there was nothing wrong all along. They just wouldn't listen to us!!! But, at least it's over. Yes, this test was it. Thankfully, there are no more tests to be done now!!!!

It'll take awhile for things to heal and the bruises to go away. Just gotta be patient...
In the breast that they didn't take the biopsy from it's feeling like the calcification has increased in number and is giving me pain. I'm afraid to tell the doctor for fear that they'll be wanting to cut me open again since it took a long time for the other one to heal properly. But, am thinking of asking my mom if she might know some info from my aunt's calicification. Anyone here have any ideas why I might be getting some tenderness?
I don't have specific ideas I'm afraid. I just wanted to send well wishes your way. I can appreciate the desire to avoid going under the knife again, but wondered if it's worth just having a chat with your docs to see what the opinion is? It would still be your choice at the end of the day. Hope things improve.
I started bleeding today 5/23. More than likely the discomfort could have been because our favorite time of the month was coming. I'm still tender, but not like I was. Thanks ladies for the support! :)
Yep that'll certainly do it! Hope its gone soon and there's nothing more to it. Sending love and cwtches <3
When I went for my yearly my doctor informed me of the necessity of mammograms next year in 2018 with my turning 40. Oh the joy. But, at least this clinic shouldn't freak out with the calcifications like the last one did. So, we'll see what happens when the time comes...
I see the doctor on this coming Wednesday Nov 28th for my yearly visit. Husband and I are hoping to put off my mammogram until 2019 because of insurance and all. So, am going to let the doctor mention it instead of me. We'll see what happens...
Went for the mammogram this year and all went well. They were thankful to see the marker that the last clinic had left in. Couldn't remember which **** had the marker and they were able to tell me after the exam. Supposedly, they want me to go in next year for another round since I'm over 40. But, we'll see if I can stretch the time out some...

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