Brittle nails

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Senior Member
Jun 30, 2006
Halifax, NS, Canada
OK, one and all... Here's something that has recently developed. not sure whether it is a symptom (good or bad) a side effect (same good or bad) or just diet related.

I noticed today that my finger and toes nails are more brittle (sp?), tougher to cut and yet there is no other sign... no spots, no white flecks, no sign of inflamation or infection. Anyone else noticed or experienced similiar issues? I don't know if this is yet another symptom of my IBD, or a side effect of my drugs (I have been on LDN for a little over 4 weeks now), an odd sign that I'm getting better (since I am feeling much better since starting the LDN) or a latent effect of my nutrition (since i'm still on a low fat, low fibre, low residue, low lactose, high protein "blah" diet). I can emphatically state that this is a 'NEW' to me issue, I havent' experienced any episode like this before. I'm not disturbed by this new to me development, but I definitely feel that it is worth looking into, starting with this post to my fellow peers. So, folks, anyone noticed anything like this, or even heard of it somewhere
I am just guessing that the end of the finger nails were formed some weeks ago, likely before you were on LDN. I believe they grow from the base of the finger and the end does not change much once it is formed.

If that is the case, then whatever you were doing before would have caused the brittle nails.

Just a guess.

Dan Bergman
Yeah, I'm starting to wonder if it is a latent affect from the pred. I researched LDN and even just Naltrexone, and there is no mention of it as a side effect anywhere.

Or, on the off chance that it's diet related, I'm going to add some Jello to my diet. I was given it during all of my hospital stays... have avoided it since simply due to the reminder of the hospital stays (and food) it provides. Will see if that resolves the situation. Otherwise, i'll run it by my fill in GI @ next visit.
I've had lots of finger nail problems whilst on Pred. All cleared up since I stopped taking and stayed off it.
I take 6mp sometimes predizone and i have the brittle nails they will split sometimes, i drink milk so i don't know

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