Burning Myself Out

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Aug 24, 2014
Hi I have Crohns and I am the type of person who won't let it get in my way. I am currently on Remicade, 6 mp, Lialda, and short term flagyl, yet I still have not reached remission. I only have inflammation in the colon and a small portion of the ileum, but my colon is being so stubborn! Anyways I am an overachiever. I am a highschool freshman and I am also taking college classes after school. I am exhausted 24-7 and I think it is from all of the drugs because Im close to remission and I wouldn't say I am currently having a bad flare up. So I will definitely not drop my college classes because I am too dedicated to my grades and school in general, but does anyone have recommendations for the extreme fatigue? I just want to be full of energy. By the way I get very good sleep, over 10 hours a day. I also do mild exercise, but do not have the energy to do much. Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this and give feedback, I really appreciate it.

Unfortunately fatigue is pretty common with inflammation. I've made things worse in the past by over doing it. Get your rest and listen to your body.

Have you had full blood work recently to check for vitamin/mineral deficiencies? Iron, B12, vit D, etc. During a flare its easy to become deficient. The can leave you more fatigued.
Have you had all of your vitamin levels checked? With inflammation you can have issues absorbing nutrients/vitamins in the last part of the small bowel. A lot of vitamin deficiencies can lead to fatigue and getting those levels up can help. Although, you may be experiencing the fatigue from the active inflammation since you aren't in remission.

First, your iron levels need to be checked to ensure you aren't anemic, also vitamin b12 deficiency is common in those with CD in the lower end of small bowel, I would also add vitamin d, magnesium and folic acid.

Your GP or GI can run these for you. My son experienced a lot of fatigue when he was actively flaring, but his vitamin levels also needed supplementing after his symptoms of CD were non existent.

He couldn't reach remission on meds and although he was asymptomatic he still had simmering inflammation. He recently had surgery and even though I thought his energy levels were normal before I've noticed since surgery his energy has really improved.
I get blood work done right before each Remicade Infusion but I am not exactly sure if everything is being checked. Thank you for telling me that, I will definitely go get the results and then do blood work again making sure they check everything.

As for my diet, I eat healthy, just homemade foods. I have buckwheat or oatmeal in the mornings and whatever my mom cooks for lunch and dinner. I don't have a problem with the whole diet situation, no abdominal pain anymore just the fatigue.
They generally don't run vitamin panels at remicade infusions since they are generally checking other things. Most times you have to request vitamin panels. My son also takes vitamin D supplements but the amount is guided by his levels, so always more than a normal dose. Also vitamin D3 is the better supplement over D2.
You and I seem very similar in our approach to academics. I think it's good you are determined to keep up with your classes.
Tbh it sounds like you have a lot on with all your work. I think it's important to remember that probably with all the work you have on atm even a healthy individual could easily become exhausted.

As your crohns isn't in full remission yet you could have a small amount of inflammation still present which certainly can contribute towards fatigue. Even when my crohns wasn't in full flare I was still very tired, it was only went it was in full remission did I gain some energy back

The only advice I can give is what I do really, I have an extremely hectic academic lifestyle too.
Definitely get your vitamins checked like people have said. When you can rest take the opportunity too, I nap at any opportunity.

I find excercise really helps me control my fatigue so I always try to force myself to do as much as my body allows me to.
Just remember to listen to your body and rest when you need to as too much stress can make it worse!!

Wish I could help more - good luck with the studies!!
You will need to listen to your body. In my experience, the longer you ignore fatigue, the more likely you are to become ill. If you are really fatigued, your body won't do as much natural healing as it can.

While you may be an over achiever and are going for higher level courses (which I generally agree with as I am a teacher), keep the big picture in mind here. If you burn out because of the college courses, your regular work will suffer as well and that could have an impact on things like bursaries and academic awards. I would suggest minimizing your additional course work (not cancelling) and allowing yourself the opportunity to excel at you required work.

Best of luck!
I was very fatigued. Started taking iron and b12. It reduced the fatigue a lot. I haven't had blood work but my GI knows I'm taking them and I take the recommended dose. Once I get somewhat out of this flare and return to semi normalicy(is that a word?) I will have my levels checked.
I was very fatigued. Started taking iron and b12. It reduced the fatigue a lot. I haven't had blood work but my GI knows I'm taking them and I take the recommended dose. Once I get somewhat out of this flare and return to semi normalicy(is that a word?) I will have my levels checked.

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