Burning pain in stomach

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 24, 2011
I've been diagnosed with crohn's disease for 3 years now. I'm 16 years old.
Everytime I'm just sitting down doing nothing my stomach starts burning out of nowhere and its such a bad feeling, I get really warm and start to feel sick with the pain. It's not in my intestines its in my stomach. It's not reflux. Does anyone know what's happening or does anyone else have that problem? It's not in my intestines its in my stomach
Sometimes I feel like "my insides are on fire". It bothers me from time to time but doesn't cause me great pain. Sorry, there isn't much else I can say....
At first I thought your famous John K. counterpart had joined to admit he was a Crohnie.

I just wanted to add I get this all the time, and I'm undiagnosed with a high genetic potential for developing Crohn's. My point being you don't have to have Crohn's to have a burning stomach. It's a common condition many people I know get, simply called "gastritis". To me, it feels like acid reflux in my stomach, as opposed to esophagus, and for many people there is 'silent' reflux with it.

I've had mild IBS-type flares as well as gallbladder problems, duodenal ulcers and gastritis my whole life. My simple method for dealing with it is Pepcid (the tablets are a godsend), Maalox, Mylanta, or any milk-of-magnesia. Failing that, I'll go on an OTC proton pump inhibitor until it heals itself. I would personally suggest you check with your doctor before trying the hefty (proton pump inhibitors and the like) antacids, though.
Hi John,
You need your parents to take you to the Gi doc. They will probably want to do an EGD test, where they look down your throat into your stomach. Crohn's can strike from mouth to anus, so it's needs to be looked it. You don't want a punctured stomach - ouch!
Good luck and let us know what you find out.
It us likely an H-Pylori infection. There are not many pathogens that affect the stomach this way. I have had this same problem, so I know how miserable it can be.

There is only one reliable H-Pylori test, and that is the Metametrix GI Effects Profile.
I would have that done.

I get that too, just been in hospital for 2 weeks , told them about this pain and they examined me and said it was indigestion , which can be caused from all the meds im on. Now taking indigestion tablets they gave me (can't remember the name) but they've really healped , only get that burning pain very mildly now and nowhere near as oftern. So i'd go see your doctor , could be really simple to fix like it was for me.

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