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Feb 29, 2012
I was diagnosed several years back. I've had the normal symptoms,D, pain under ribs, bloating,fatigue, back pain ect. However, recently I have had a burning sensation in my upper tummy area. It's slowly getting more intense and lasting longer, but it is not burning in my throat which is odd. I am on imuran(200mg) , entocourt(6mg), nexium (2x/day) hyosciamine(sp) and pentasa. I switched my times that I took my meds hoping it was the entocourt... And last week I had an endoscopy. Nothing was different, the stricture in the esophagus and hiatal hernia have not changed. Is this something that is normal with crohns? Or does it sound like I need more testing? Thanks for your time.

It would be worth discussing what else might be causing your symptoms with your GI. The fact that your scope came back the same leads me to believe its heartburn. You can have bad reflux burning and pain in your upper belly and chest. I do and it confuses me all the time. I am also on Nexium.

Check out this article on heartburn and chest pain http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/heartburn-gerd/DG00016
Hey Chuck. I'm undiagnosed (waiting for results/tests), but severe stomach burning is my most troublesome symptom atm. Similar to yours - not helped by Nexium equiv, and not going up to my throat.

Have you been tested for H.Pylori? Has your gallbladder been checked recently?

Out of interest, is yours somewhat relieved by certain foods? Does it worsen your D?

Please let me know if you find an answer.
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Thank you both for the replies. It's possible that it is still heartburn after reading more about my hernia. I'll check with my GI. I wish I could find something to put the flames out. It resembles more of an ulcer pain than past heartburn/reflux attacks. I'll be sure to share if anything is discovered.
Oh and thunderstorm it seems that it does not change any other symptoms. The only thing that helps at all is eating. Spice doesn't seem to affect it either.
Hi Chuck
I too have had a Hiatal Hernia, ended up with Nissen Fundoplication which stopped the constant and involuntary vomiting. However, the burning continued, even so bad that it burnt my voice box and I was unable to talk for a few weeks. The only thing that has helped (post surgery) is a product in NZ called Omeprezole. Not sure of its medical name or equivalent in your country, but it pretty much reduces the production (or effect) of too much stomach acid. I have just come off it before a colonoscopy (so the true state of my internals can be seen) and after a week of being off Omeprezole, the burning has returned, but this time in my stomach and small intestine as well. Good luck with reducing your symptoms of burning. Rog :)
Thank you for the info. It looks like I'll have a long discussion with the Doc on Monday.