C-Diff AGAIN...

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May 16, 2014
Hi all. After over 4 weeks of bleeding, tests showed that I have C-Diff yet again. This is the 3rd time since last September. The first two times were a month apart and included hospital stays. Working on my 2nd weeks of Vancomycin, and seeing some improvement, just not there yet. I think the hardest part is staying away from my 6 month old grand baby and the worry that it is going to return in another few weeks like last fall. I was doing so well comparatively during the first part of summer and now it feels I have taken back a few steps. This is all just in time for a new school year and trying to attend meetings/trainings, getting my classroom ready, etc. has simply been exhausting.

Anyone else have recurrent C-Diff issues?

Still on Humira, doubled Lialda to 1.2 4 times a day, Entocort 9 mg daily, steriod enemas, and a host of other meds...
have you heard about Fecal transplant for C-Diff? talk about it to your GI. This treatment is now available for C-Diff in the US and in clinical trials for CD and UC with encouraging results.
I have heard of them, but I just can't entertain the thought of it yet. My GI did bring it up the second time I was in the hospital with C-Diff. Not ready to be a part of a clinical trial yet either. This is all still relatively new to me...
Not only have I been dealing with C-Diff, but my CT w/contrast showed active Crohns this week as well...I have been on Humira for a tad over a year now. I shouldn't be in an active stage of Crohns, right? What is the point of taking the injections if they aren't putting me in remission???
I honestly would consider the Fecal Transplant. They have a high success rate at curing C-diff and helping with balancing the intestinal Microbiome. In some trials they have had success in treating UC with FTs. I have been having intestinal pain( sometimes just severe) and just recently stool changes. My GI doc keeps saying IBS. They really don't know what is going on though. I myself am interested in doing the Fecal transplant but over here they do not offer it to people. There may be one or two hospitals that will offer it for refractory C-diff, but they wont offer it for anything else. I know there is the whole Ick factor to it, but if you can get past that, then honestly if it can help restore your bowel Flora, I think it is worth looking into. Hope you start feeling better soon..
And back to the ER...dehydration & elevated wbc, 15,000. I see my GI this Thursday. Yesterday I slept most of the entire day...this morning I woke to get ready for work and down I went. My arms and legs went completely numb. Severe leg and feet spasms most days now, but remarkably my potassium was okay at 3.6. I have no idea what is going on as my symptoms and labs don't match...so confused! IV fluids and sent on my merry way...I am SERIOUSLY thinking why take all this stuff if I feel like crud SO OFTEN.
In my opinion the ER is useless unless you have a true emergency. I have never been helped at the ER. All they will do is give you fluids and tell you to check in with your doctor as soon as possible.

I would talk to your doctor about stopping and possibly changing your medications if they are not helping you. I am so sorry you having such a horrible time of it. I hope you feel better soon :(.

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