C-Diff Negative, Bleeding Still...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 16, 2014
Good morning all! Well, after two rounds of C-Diff back to back with hospitalizations, I actually went six weeks feeling "eh, somewhat better!" But for almost two weeks now, the bleeding has returned, the belly sounds, and so forth...this time C-Diff is negative (Praise God!), labs were "ok"... not sure what is going on. I am getting used to the bleeding, something I never thought I would ever say. Going back next week for another follow-up. Anyone just randomly bleed, without it being C-Diff? I know there are other reasons for the bleeding, just not sure of an explanation this time.
I had C-diff and when I tested negative I was still having symptoms. My GI said the c diff likely aggravated my UC and it did go away about 2 weeks from the negative test result
Gosh sounds like a hell of a trip, emphasis on hell.

Do you have IBD? I'm wondering if your cdiff brought on a crohns flare.
I have Crohns, so yeah...it could be beginnings of a new flare. I never thought of that, since I have been on Humira since the end of June. This past year ish has been definitely a trip to heck and back for sure. I told the GI nurse this morning when she called and said the C-Diff was negative. I see the GI on the 30th, so hopefully nothing major happens between now and then.
Went back to the GI today; I have been out of town because hospice called family in for my mother. Yep, he suspects it is a flare and I was added meds once again, cortisone enemas, flagyl, upped some of the others. More blood work next week and another colonoscopy coming soon if it doesn't tame down pretty quickly. He is also considering another biologic if I don't go into remission soon. Would love to have a bit of a normal life right about now, but it could be much worse.
I'm glad you saw your GI. Check out our forums for the biologics (Humira and Remicade) are most common. Remicade gave me my life back. It is the only med that I am truly functional on.
I am already on Humira, injections every two weeks. Imuran was a no-go. Developed pancreatitis from it.
Ah, that sucks. Well Remicade might be a great choice for you then. Less convenient than self injection but also less frequent. Or maybe upping your Humira dose to weekly?

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