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Jan 30, 2011

Looks like my son Max (11) is having c-diff again. We just finished Flagyl a few weeks ago and we're back to bloody stools and a lot of bathroom-visits.It seems to be different from a regular flare-up because there really aren't any stomachaches.Tomorrow we go in for bloodwork and stoolsamples. Will we ever get rid of the c-diff?
c-diff is so nasty. i have had it several times and it is miserable. poor Max.... i hope they can figure something out for him.
Hi Max's Mom,

I had recurring C-diff. Everytime i thought it had gone it reappeared. Flagyll would clear it up but as soon as the course finished it came back. After months of trying to kill it off the only thing that finally worked for me was an antibiotic called vancomycin. I also started taking a probiotic called VSL#3 which reintroduced all of the good bacteria into my gut and seemed to stop the C-diff taking over again, i took 2 sachets a day for a few months and i have not had C-diff since :)

Best of luck

I had reoccurring c-diff for over a year. A doctor told methat it leaves spores scattered and hidden in the intestines. The antibiotics don't kill all of them off. I had to keep taking flagyl and another antibiotic for 8 weeks and that finally got rid of it all. I know it is a very painful and tiring thing to have and I hope he gets better real soon. I stayed on a soft food diet... mostly liquids, soup, jello, and the like.
I had c diff whilst in hospital it was absolutely horrific. I was allergic to vancomyocin, and I'd been on every anti biotic known to man. Although the fact that i was on strong anti biotics in hospital for so long was apparently what made me more susceptible to catching it in the first place. Hope he gets better soon, Cant imagine what it must be like for an 11 year old to go through it.
Thanks for answering everybody.Yes,he does have c-diff and he is back on Flagyl.Over the week-end he was even going more downhill. Bad tummyaches,could barely eat anything and tired all the time. But,today,tues.he seems to be coming back to life.I hope we will be able to get rid of it this time.
Poor little Guy... I feel so sorry for him. I know how bad those tummyaches can get. I lived on broth and jello and as the flagyl started to work... a very soft bland diet. I sure hope he gets better real quick.... I hope this round of flagyl kills it off but maybe you should talk to the doctor about other antibiotics mentioned here that could be beneficial.
Ugh hope the Flagyl works for him this time. C diff is so awful and notoriously difficult to treat. You are keeping awesomely on top of it though. My doctors told me that my Crohn's flare (which ended in surgery) was probably aggravated by the C diff infection I had for who knows how long. So treating it as quickly and completely as possible is the right move.
My daughter had c diff after a 14 day course of iv antibiotics. We went back on Flagl but I did some alternative things too and so far we are ok. We gave her 2 tablespoons twice a day of colloidal silver ( health food store). We also put her on two probiotics: florastor which is actually a beneficial yeast strain and sustenex which is a good bacteria that also forms spores so it can help fight c diff. We got both of them at our local CVS. We took florastor for 20 days and we are still taking sustenex. Chloe likes the chewy ones. We took them at the same time as the Flagl. I hope your son is better soon.
I have had c-diff at least 4 times and I can't take flagyl becase it makes me extremely naseaous so they would give me vancomycin and that seemed to clear things up each time. c-diff is really scary so i'm sorry Max is having to deal with that right now.
Thanks,everybody.He is better but still not great. During the day he's fine,but at night he gets some tummyaches and has to get up to go to the bathroom a few times during the night.He is also extra tired.He is on Remicade,but the sed rate is up to 45,so maybe he's having a flare. I have called his doctor and we're waiting for a call back,but as usual they seem to have more important things to do.Would I need to check with them before giving him probiotics?
Maybe you could call and ask the doctor to be sure but I would definitely get that lil guy on some good probiotics. Look for one that does NOT have the ingredient FOS.

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