Can anyone help me read my colonoscopy report?

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Nov 2, 2010

Had a colonoscopy today. I had one a year ago and I have had several sigmoidoscopies in the past. The last colonoscopy said possible illeitis and patchy inflammation. My last biopsy results said granulomas. Outcome suggested Crohn's Colitis.

I started Pred in Dec to Feb and felt really good bowel wise. I tapered off and the flared again. Before trying Azathioprine, I wanted another scope to try and found out if the disease was active.

I was a bit out of it today and didn't get to see the screen too much. The report says the following things:

Mucosa: extensive moderate mucopurulent exudate in the rectum.

Indeterminate colitis (Mayo endoscopic score 2, distal up to 40cm). It notes that there are inflammatory changes.

Am I right in thinking that the left side is inflammed and there is mucus and pus at the lower end?

Back to consultant in two weeks but waiting for biopsy results too. Also not sure if they're thinking UC now rather than Crohn's? Wish the reports were in normal language!


Am I right in thinking that the left side is inflammed and there is mucus and pus at the lower end?

Back to consultant in two weeks but waiting for biopsy results too. Also not sure if they're thinking UC now rather than Crohn's? Wish the reports were in normal language!
That's how I interpret it.

The indeterminate would mean they're not sure which. But the patchiness and granulomas from the previous tests would suggest Crohn's to me.