Can bile reflux be related to occlusion?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 4, 2011
OK, last night was a pure nightmare! My salivary glands were on overdrive, I was constantly spitting it as it continuously overflow my mouth. Weird feeling: it's as if all of the world known viruses were suddenly invading my mouth... Then my salivary glands produce a colossal amount of fluid... And I spit and spit all that juice... I don't swallow it because my body orders me to let it out because I feel in part occlusion.

Anyone can relate to that?

And all that after more 3 weeks of prednisone treatment! It's the first time pred doesn't seem to work...

Now the better part: on top of this "salivary and spit" torment I had a monstrous bile reflux for maybe 2 hours... And I had this idea: can occlusion and bile reflux be related?

Thanks in advance.


Pierre Racine, Canada
Perhaps a higher dose of Prednisone is in order or another course of meds? I'd contact my GI about anything strange (and this to me sounds strange as I've never dealt with it unless I was about to vomit). Sorry I'm not much help at the moment.

Welcome to the forum though! :D

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