Can I eat whatever I want now?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 28, 2017
So I've been on Humira for a month now...just started my one injection every 2 weeks. I was wondering if I could eat whatever I wanted to now? I've been eating the same food for the past 4 months due to an awful flare.
Everyone is different, the best course is to go slowly with introducing anything you haven't had in a while and/or has caused you problems in the past. Some people can eat just about anything, others still have to restrict their diet.
So I've been on Humira for a month now...just started my one injection every 2 weeks. I was wondering if I could eat whatever I wanted to now? I've been eating the same food for the past 4 months due to an awful flare.
Since being on Humira I can eat just about anything....but I started slowly @ 1st one food @ a time that used to bother's different for everyone I'm sure so just take it slow!
Once the Humira kicked in I was eating normally again. Of course, if you eat healthier than you'll be able to go into remission quicker. That's what happened for me. Cause even if I felt fine when I would eat poorly, I may still get gassy or bloated. There just wouldn't be much pain.
Wow. This Humira gives me hope now. I don't know what eating "normal" is really. I was sick with UC for 20 years........ now they say I have Crohn's. I can't eat fruits, vegetables, fatty/greasy food, nuts, seeds, eggs, tuna, pork. I haven't eaten shellfish in probably 25 years.
( sigh ) 😕
Just got the word, Humira to arrive Thursday. I will get my first injections on Monday. Thank you everyone for their posts that have prepared for the this, including the sting.