Can mm induce remission, or just help with the pain?

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Jun 21, 2013
I just have uc and don't really have problems with pain or nausea. I am wondering if mm would help me at all? Most posts seem to indicate it helps with those particular symptoms? My main symptoms are in the morning, with diarrhea and blood in the stool. I also have some anxiety. Thanks.
Since you have some anxiety, you should try a strain that is high on CBD! CBD is also very beneficial in terms of inflammation. If the inflammation goes away, all the bad symptoms also will disappear. I would try both vaporizing and to take capsules filled with Cannabis oil(maby 3 times a day). Start with small doses. Recipe can be found in the thread: "different ways to make cannabis oil". Make the one using olive oil in a water bath!

I have a severe Crohn's and have medicated myself with cannabis for 15 years. This works very well. Also started with 4.5 mg LDN before Easter and together they do a great job with my body.I work as a nurse, full time night shift. I can eat almost anything I want, but am a little cautious with alcohol and too much sugar. I have perfectly normal bowel movements. No abdominal pain. My joints are fine. etc etc Without these medicines I become very sick. It's like living in two completely different worlds.

You can also put the oil on eczema, hemorrhoids, sunburn, toothache, etc., and I think you will be amazed of the effect! Put it straight on or mix it into a moisturizer
you like.
And the answer to your headline is: both:)
Here is a small excerpt from this informative link.

"When using these varieties in the form of a tea instead of inhalation, less THC is released from the plant material. This makes tea less ‘potent’ in the sense that less psychotropic side-effects (getting high) may be expected. However, the presence of other plant derived chemicals, such as THC-acid, is actually much higher compared to inhalation. Perhaps because THC-acid has an effect on inflammation, tea made of varieties Bedrocan or Bedrobinol is often used by MS-patients. Furthermore it seems effective in treating nausea and vomiting associated with cancer-treatment. The use of cannabis as a tea is recommended for patients who are sensitive to the effects of cannabis, or who use cannabis for chronic ailments over long periods of time."
Hello Kayla!

Of all the cannabinoids, CBD is the one that shows the most promise for medical treatment, but in most strains of cannabis found on the market today, CBD levels are usually low to non existent, since the last few hundred years were spent cross-breeding strains to maximize THC content, another cannabinoid that has anti-inflammatory properties.

The science supports the possibility of cannabinoids inducing remission, but it has yet to be proven in vitro or even in a lab. There has been anecdotal reports of experienced cannabis users ingesting very potent cannabis oil every day, which got rid of their colitis after most other treatments had failed. But to make such an oil at a reasonable price, one must grow its own cannabis and therefore have the experience and resources.

I think in 50 years we'll have tablets or capsules made of cannabinoids and in high doses. Until then, using cannabis as a cure is not a good idea, unless you fall in the aforementioned group of experienced grower/user.
Hi. I have found that mm does help my u/c in that it calms my cramps. You know these cramps can get very powerful and painful. They just don't seem to stop at times. But I have noticed that mm does calm them down for about 2-3 hours. It seems to help my pain also. I had spent 4 months in bed with sever u/c and crohns with a developing (3) fistulas. I don't think I could have made it without mm.

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