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I had a look at your status and I'm in complete shock! Cannot believe that happened.
It seems to have caught a lot of peoples attention though so at least something positive came out of situation.
Sending hugs :)
Holly the way you were treated is absolutely despicable. You're very strong to go public with what happened to you, and it's definitely an issue that needs further awareness.

Are you taking this issue further with the management of the club? Do you feel able/willing to contact local press to shame these people for their treatment of you (and probably many others who don't carry around 'proof' of their illnesses and why should they)?

Shame on the staff member who said he also had Crohns for not treating you with some compassion.

I am so angry on your behalf Holly and I hope that you change the attitude of even one of these people.
Oh no I don't have faced book (I'm not Amish but pretty close to it:tongue:)but I'm sure it was horrendous behavior and hope you know how brave and special you are.

Hugs from the farm girls:hug:
Couldn't see as just popped up with profile, probably because I'm on iPad. Mind posting in the original post whatcha said?
This was my original post
This is one of the scariest and most humiliating things I have ever had to publicise on my Facebook page, but I feel it necessary to raise awareness for Crohns Disease.
Last night, I ventured into Manchester to celebrate with some friends for getting a first in my final assignment at University for my third year. We went to the Birdcage in Manchester. (I had never been before)

At a late stage in the night, I wasn’t feeling 100% so I went outside for some air. (Which I had to pay for the privilege of) I sat down outside for a while, and then went to go back inside as I needed to use the toilet quite urgently.
I was refused entry by the first bouncer he said I needed to sober up.
Fair cop, I had had a bit to drink, so I stayed outside a bit longer, but the urge was getting worse, so I asked him again, I said ‘Look I have Crohns Disease I need to get back inside to use the toilet.’
His response was ‘I don’t know what that is so…’ and pushed me along. He said I needed to speak to the head bouncer.

So I moved onto the second bouncer. He said did I have a medic card (which I do- but didn’t have with me. Fair cop again, I could be a bullshitter. But I wasn't)
He said ‘Find your medic card and this problem will go away.’ I said my medic card is in my day to day purse which I don’t take on a night out. So I was starting to get agitated as the need was growing.
I then got moved onto the manager (still stood outside on the brink of tears)
The manager then said ‘We can’t let you in, as we have reason to believe you are on drugs.
He went on to say, I had dilated pupils. (Probably due to alcohol- Won’t lie I had drank that night obviously)
He said I was frothing at the mouth, and was gurning.
(Will someone enlighten me, what is gurning?!)
I said to him I am a trainee teacher, if I did drugs it would ruin my career before it began.
Bar Alcohol if that counts.

But anyway, we digress. Still not in the club, still needing the toilet.
He then said ‘I have Crohns’ I thought great! He’ll understand.
Nope, he wouldn't let me in, he said if I had Crohns I would be showing a greater urgency to get inside.
By this point I was crying, really crying.
I said to the manager, I take 4g of Pentasa, and 125mg of Azathioprine every day, How would I know that if I didn't have Crohns.
He still refused me entry.
He said if I was really desperate I would go and try a takeaway. A friend came away from the club with me, I tried takeaways but none had a public toilet.

Now, this is the bit I don’t really want to write, and it is embarrassing and I don’t know how to put it. But I feel it the most important part of the story.
I came away from that club, and I soiled myself.

Because I couldn't access a toilet quickly enough, granted I should have had all the appropriate documentation with me to prove myself.
But I have never been so humiliated from having this illness and I have never been treated so shoddily by staff ANYWHERE.
Here you are Birdcage, Manchester. Here’s the proof that I did have all that stuff you wanted last night, maybe too little too late now?
But had I been on drugs I’d have probably forgotten by now?
But I haven’t, and this is for nothing more than to raise awareness for this condition, and shun people for their PURE IGNORANCE to ‘Invisible Illnesses.’

I don't often publicise anything to do with my Crohns on here, and I am terrified to write this because it is so embarrassing. But I feel it necessary after last night.
I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone.
It's no consolation but the people from planet no neck aren,t that bright,after all they do hang about on street corners making minimum wage.i can imagine how you feel been there bought that tee shirt,don,t think about it.all the best
It's no consolation but the people from planet no neck aren,t that bright,after all they do hang about on street corners making minimum wage.i can imagine how you feel been there bought that tee shirt,don,t think about it.all the best

Making minimum wage means you aren't that bright? Interesting.
I am so sorry. I did used to have the 'can't wait card' but was usually too embarrassed to use it. I have had accidents on more than one occasion in public but never speak about it. It is incredibly brave of you to post on Facebook! I wish more people would speak up and then the illness wouldn't be so hidden. I just don't go anywhere where I might have to wait to use a toilet.
Making minimum wage means you aren't that bright? Interesting.

I suppose to an extent it does because if you were bright you'd find ways of making more money?

I'm told by many I'm bright because I have an enquiring mind, read a lot and retain information but my response is simple - I just have a good memory.

I work for less than minimum wage effectively although I have had higher paying jobs.
I suppose to an extent it does because if you were bright you'd find ways of making more money?

I'm told by many I'm bright because I have an enquiring mind, read a lot and retain information but my response is simple - I just have a good memory.

I work for less than minimum wage effectively although I have had higher paying jobs.

There are so many factors in why people have the jobs that they do, that I get pretty angry when I see comments like that.
I think it is just ignorance, which has nothing to do with intelligence, whatever that is. I have a PhD and earnt just £8,000 last academic year. I wish people would be kinder to each other. I had a horrid experience recently at The Royal Festival Hall at the South Bank in London. I used the disabled toilets as usual, coming out there was an older woman in a wheelchair and her husband. She was extremely abusive towards me and told me I obviously had a mental illness. I felt humiliated.
Holly...their actions are inexcusable!!!! They should be embarrassed.

You have my utmost respect for sharing.
Just to clarify I don,t think people in low paid jobs aren,t as bright as anyone else it was a sarcastic shot at bouncers who weren't,t very helpful to someone in distress.
P.s daisy I agree with you common decency was missing in this situation.
My god, that's probably one of the worst scenarios I could imagine. Brave to post about it, nothing to be ashamed of.. Pure ignorance on there behalf.

I've came close myself but I can't even imagine how that must of made you feel, probably the main reason why I'm anxious about going out atall.

Good on you for raising awareness with it, chin up pal.
Oh my god, I just read your story and how you were treated is absolutely insufferable. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and my heart seriously goes out to you. People really don't treat this illness seriously because of its invisibility, and it's awful.
Good on you, more people need to find the courage to speak out when things like this happen. Stay strong!

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