Can you eat?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 10, 2012
I have been a Crohn's patient for almost a decade now. As my disease was particularly aggressive and unresponsive to treatment via medications (Remicade failure, 6 Mp failure, etc) I have already endured numerous surgeries including a complete colectomy (no more large intestine) and a follow-up removal of approx. 4 inches of small bowel and stoma relocation. After the relocation surgery 2 years ago, my pain and inflammation has been in complete remission (awesome!). However, over the course of the last 2 months I have lost over 30 pounds, including almost a 10 pound loss since last Wednesday. For whatever reason, I cannot (and I can't stress that enough) put food into my body. Every time I try I end up vomiting or dry-heaving, no exceptions. As of yesterday it has now become difficult for me to even drink flavored waters (Mio, tea, broth, etc.) As a retired military man, it is not easy for me to say this, but I am absolutely terrified. I don't know what to do as all of the doctors I've posited this trouble to have recommended a liquid diet like broths or Ensure. The problem with this arises with my previous statement that now even liquid seems too much trouble. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Please help, I'm kinda running out of ideas, and I don't really want to starve to death just because my body refuses to cooperate with my bodies needs.
Hi Sam,
I am really sorry to hear that you're having such a hard time. I don't really have much advice for you but I wanted to reach out. I would definitely try to keep your doctor updated, especially if you feel your symptoms are worsening... I'd hate for you to have to go on an IV.
I know when I am having a lot of nausea, it helps to try to stay really relaxed. Try not to let the nausea get to your head, it'll help if you remain positive while drinking both or tea because anticipating being sick will only make it worse.

I am sorry I don't have much else to say... Please keep us updated.
Hi Sam,

Welcome to the forum:)

Hey try not feel so worried - if worse came to worse, they could nourish you with TPN - total parenteral nutrition. Its a tiny tube they insert into you aorta vein (while u r asleep), and they feed you directly into your blood stream - it will not will not go down your intestines, and would give you total bowel rest. Some unfortunate people who were born without adequate bowel, have to be fed like this their entire life. Worrying is not good for you:)

Can they not prescribe something for you to help with the nausea? They should run some tests to see why you are feeling this way. Perhaps they could do some sort of imaging and if nothing shows up - perhaps an ileoscope?

What meds do they currently have you on?
I am not currently on any medications as my Crohn's has been in remission for so long. As for the TPN, I am one of the proud owners of a Boston Scientific Implantable Port thanks to my numerous hospital stays. I try not to worry to much about this kind of thing, but it's been kind of a crappy month for me anyway, so this added onto it is just making it a little overwhelming. Thank you for your input, and I'm only going to give it another 24 hours before I DO go to the doc, as right now I seem to be having no adverse effects save lethargy, I just really needed some outside input, to see if there's anything I haven't heard of yet.
You are welcome Sam.

There are so many new meds out there - and even more that are in clinical trials right now. Whatever they find, if you do go in, you have quite a lot of medical treatments to choose from.

I am a bit concerned that you may become dehydrated though - so don't put it off for too long if you cannot drink any liquids.

Take care:)

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