Can you juice while prepping?

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2012
Just curious if you could juice while prepping. No dyes in the juice. Hardly any digestion needed because there is no pulp etc. But I would imagine if you were allowed the GI would have said so...right? The thought of nothing but water and all that gross stuff (Gatorade, sodas, prepackaged broths etc) makes me sick. I know, I know it is just one day and my girls tell me it is not so bad but they also are not diving three kids around all day and needing to make dinner and take care of other household chores on no nutrition.
Call your doctor's office and ask them, but the general rule is no red colors and only clear liquids, i.e., hold it up to a light--if you can see through it, it is a clear liquid.

Is this your first time doing a colon prep? Once you get started drinking the "stuff," you start feeling so full you don't really care that you aren't allowed solid food.
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Yeah, first time and it is only my "you are getting old better get things checked out" scope so I guess I should act my age and suck it up.

No bubbles?! I gave my girls ginger ale, sprite and Pelligrino! :shifty-t: I am such a screw up!
Something about more gas or something irritating something so it had to be flat
Didn't matter for my DS since he hates pop dye to the bubble giving him hiccups ..
Good luck in the am
Nope. Follow the doctor's orders. You shouldn't have to run around on no nutrition. Can you take the day off and get some help from family or friends?
I always drink carbonated sodas with bowel preps. I'd be miserable if I didn't. Even with my stoma, I was warned that carbonation could cause more gas in the bag, but that has never happened to me.

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